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Properstar SA

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Häuser zu kaufen

  • Haus
  • · 1 Zimmer
  • · Preis auf Anfrage
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New development
Houses for sale
  • 6 units
  • 4 to 5 bedrooms
  • 389 to 435 m²
  • Under construction
  • Fourth quarter 2025

Welcome to AZURE ESTORIL, an exclusive place consisting of only 7 villas that offer the ocean as a horizon and lush gardens as company. ...mehr lesen
New development
Houses for sale
  • 6 units
  • 4 to 5 bedrooms
  • 389 to 435 m²
  • Under construction
  • Fourth quarter 2025

Welcome to AZURE ESTORIL, an exclusive place consisting of only 7 villas that offer the ocean as a horizon and lush gardens as company. Here, you will have the opportunity to experience a truly unique environment, full of serenity and tranquility.
Each villa in Azure Estoril is unique and exclusive. The external façade is covered with exclusive tiles, custom-created by the renowned artist Maria Ana Vasco Costa. These tiles give each villa a unique distinction and a touch of exclusivity that reflects its refined taste.
The gardens of the villas are the result of a detailed landscaping project, with a variety of species carefully chosen for the site and a tropical inspiration including a private infinity pool.
Each villa also includes a Rooftop Lounge with a large solarium and a living area equipped with an outdoor fireplace, offering the opportunity to enjoy a magnificent late afternoon with a stunning panoramic view of the coast at sunset.
Committed to excellence in detail and quality in finishes, AZURE ESTORIL's villas provide the highest standards of comfort and safety, combined with unparalleled architectural sophistication.
At AZURE ESTORIL, preserving the environment and energy efficiency are key priorities. All homes are exemplary in terms of energy performance, meeting the NZEB (Almost Zero Energy Buildings) standard.
Located in São João do Estoril, AZURE ESTORIL is immersed in tranquility and offers generous views of the sea. This exclusive development is located in an area of great glamour, with high-quality restaurants, stunning beaches, historic gardens and internationally recognized sites, all within walking distance.

Finishes and Technology

Through a solid commitment to detail and quality of finishes, AZURE ESTORIL villas offer the best levels of comfort and safety, in an environment of architectural and constructive sophistication.



  • Electric lift;
  • Central vacuum;
  • Lighting with DALI control for intensity regulation in the living rooms, bedrooms, office and rooftop lounge area;
  • Fully equipped kitchen with Bosch appliances;
  • Pre-installation of ambient sound;
  • Pre-installation of heat pump for heating the outdoor pool;
  • Guaranteed Wi-Fi network coverage throughout the house with 5 wireless access points;


  • 2N Video Intercom System with camera and keypad;
  • PARADOX Alarm Center, exterior and interior sirens and keypads;
  • Pre-installation of CCTV video surveillance system with real-time images, prepared for POE cameras;
  • Magnetic presence sensors;
  • Flood and carbon monoxide sensors;


  • A+ energy certification;
  • 2-3 photovoltaic panels per house deployed on the roof, each with 330W of useful power;
  • Solar thermal panels connected to air-to-water heat pump with internal accumulation tank with a capacity of 300L;
  • Heat pump air conditioning system, efficiency class A, connected to underfloor heating with water and fan coils built into ceilings or cabinets with diffusion by linear grids;
  • Pre-installation of charging stations for electric vehicles, including consumption control;
  • SOSOARES OS minimalist frames in polished anodised aluminium and low-emissivity exterior double glazing: SunGuard tempered 10mm + 16mm air gap with argon + laminated interior glass 6+6mm.

Home automation system in KNX protocol with Savant HOST interface, allowing centralized management of all equipment and programming tailored to your needs


Programming of the opening of curtains.


Temperature programming and control. Bathroom mirror demisters.


Lighting levels are regulated.


Sound programming and control.


Know when someone is in your home.

Video intercom system

See who's at the door anywhere in your home or even away from home.

When leaving home

One click to turn off the lights, close the curtains and turn on the alarm.

Personalized Tiles by the Plastic Artist MARIA ANA VASCO COSTA

Maria Ana Vasco Costa creates sculptural objects and works of art using ceramics as a material of choice.
She has a degree in Ceramics and Fine Arts from Ar.Co, Centro de Arte e Comunicação Visual, and a master's degree in Architecture from the Technical University of Lisbon. She is currently responsible for the Ceramics Department of Ar.Co – Center for Art and Visual Communication.

For sale (Selling)
Ownership: Co-op
  • Moon • EUR 2,700,000
    House • 5 Bed. • 5 Bath. • 435m²
  • Sky • EUR 2,900,000
    House • 5 Bed. • 5 Bath. • 391m²
  • Wave II • EUR 2,650,000
    House • 4 Bed. • 4 Bath. • 389m²
  • Wave III • EUR 2,550,000
    House • 4 Bed. • 4 Bath. • 389m²
  • Wave IV • EUR 2,400,000
    House • 4 Bed. • 4 Bath. • 389m²
  • Wave V • EUR 2,200,000
    House • 4 Bed. • 4 Bath. • 389m²

Behind Azure Estoril
  • Official website


  • Nutzungsart
  • Objektart
  • Hauptobjektart
  • Vertragsart
  • Baujahr
  • Zimmer (gesamt)
  • Anbieter-Objektnummer

Preise & Kosten

  • Courtage
    Keine besondere Angabe.


  • Sauna
  • Personenaufzug
  • Klimanalage
  • Swimmingpool

Standort & Lage

São João do Estoril · Estoril · PRT



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Properstar SA

Rue Mercerie 12
1003 Lausanne
Tel.: +49 800 0010536
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