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Properstar SA

Venda Direta - Imobiliária
  • Mehr erfahren 30534829

Wohnung zu kaufen in Belém, Portugal

  • Wohnung
  • · 7 Zimmer
  • · 646 m² Wohnfläche
  • · 2.800.000 € Kaufpreis
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Bank property with special financing conditions!

Elegance, refinement and exclusivity of a Unique Apartment with 646 m² in a Magestoso Palacete.

The luxurious apartment with 8 rooms (6 suites), with private elevator, in one of the most exclusive ...mehr lesen
Bank property with special financing conditions!

Elegance, refinement and exclusivity of a Unique Apartment with 646 m² in a Magestoso Palacete.

The luxurious apartment with 8 rooms (6 suites), with private elevator, in one of the most exclusive residential areas of the city is undoubtedly one of the best in Lisbon.

Composed of:

Floor 0 - Hall that leads to the apartment and the private elevator;

Floor -1 - Entrance hall, technical area, an antechamber and a laundry room and storage room, access to the garage with 6 parking lots.

Floor 1 - Hall that gives access to the fully equipped kitchen, pantry, guest toilet and the main hall with about 108 m2 that due to its configuration the creation of several distinct spaces (dining room, living room, music room and games room), access to 4 suites.

Floor 2 - a multipurpose mezzanine room overlooking the lounge, a Suite, and the magnificent Master Suite, WC and Walk-in Closet with a total of 78 m²

The apartment of the Palacete is located in a private condominium, where you can enjoy total privacy, security, tranquility and comfort in a context that was designed with great sensitivity to its surroundings to make the most of the light, the green spaces exemplarily cared for and the heated communal pool.

The development that stands out for its charm, freedom, refinement and privacy was built on an old farm with 5,000 m2 and is divided into four buildings, two new buildings and two magnificent palaces recovered and expanded in a sublime way.

Located on Rua Pedrouços, an excellent location and one of the most sought after in Lisbon, between the Belém Palace and Restelo, an area of great historical and architectural richness. Surrounded by the Belém Tower area, the Restelo District, the Jerónimos Monastery and Belém Palace, the Champalimaud Foundation, the Navy Museum, the Planetarium, the Belém Cultural Centre and an exceptional and privileged proximity to the Belém promenade.

With the imprint of the architect Carlos Gonçalves, this development was nominated for the 'Construir- Melhor Edifício Residencial' award in 2010.

We are available to help you obtain your Financing, we are Tied Credit Intermediaries, registered with the Bank of Portugal under number 0002867.

We provide a follow-up service before and after your deed.

Book your visit!
Energy Rating: B

Banking property with special financing conditions!

Elegance, refinement and exclusivity of a Unique Apartment with 646 m² in a Magestoso Palace.

The luxurious 8-room flat (6 suites), with private lift, in one of the most exclusive residential areas of the city is undoubtedly one of the best in Lisbon.

Composed by:

Floor 0 - Hall leading to the flat and the private lift;

Floor -1 - Entrance hall, technical area, an antechamber and a laundry and storage room, access to the garage with 6 parking spaces.

1st floor - Hall that gives access to the fully equipped kitchen, pantry, guest bathroom and the main hall with about 108 m2 that due to its configuration creates several distinct spaces (dining room, living room, music room and games room), access to 4 suites.

Floor 2 - a multipurpose mezzanine room overlooking the lounge, a Suite, and the magnificent Master Suite, WC and Walk-in Closet with a total of 78 m²

The Palacete flat is located in a private condominium, where you can enjoy total privacy, security, tranquillity and comfort in a context that was designed with great sensitivity to its surroundings to make the most of the light, the exemplary green spaces and the heated communal pool.

The development, which excels in charm, freedom, refinement and privacy, was built on an old farm with 5,000 m2 and is divided into four buildings, two new buildings and two magnificent palaces recovered and expanded in a sublime way.

Located on Rua Pedrouços, a location of excellence and one of the most sought after in Lisbon, between the Palace of Belém and Restelo, an area of great historical and architectural richness. Surrounded by the Belém Tower area, the Restelo District, the Jerónimos Monastery and Belém Palace, the Champalimaud Foundation, the Navy Museum, the Planetarium, the Belém Cultural Centre and an exceptional and privileged proximity to the Belém seafront promenade.

With the imprint of the architect Carlos Gonçalves, this project was nominated for the 'Construir - Best Residential Building' award in 2010.

We are available to assist you in obtaining your Financing, we are Linked Credit Intermediaries, registered with Banco de Portugal under number 0002867.

We provide a follow-up service before and after your deed.

Book your visit!
Energy Rating: B


  • Nutzungsart
  • Objektart
  • Hauptobjektart
  • Vertragsart
  • Zimmer (gesamt)
  • Anzahl Schlafzimmer
  • Anzahl Badezimmer
  • Wohnfläche (ca.)
    646 m²
  • Anbieter-Objektnummer

Preise & Kosten

  • Courtage
    Keine besondere Angabe.


  • Energieeffizienzklasse

Standort & Lage

Belém · PRT

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An ListGlobally SA, Rue Mercerie 12, 1003 Lausanne, +49 800 0010536,

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Properstar SA

Rue Mercerie 12
1003 Lausanne
Tel.: +49 800 0010536
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