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Properstar SA

  • Mehr erfahren 30533749

Wohnung zu kaufen in Valtournenche, Italy

  • Wohnung
  • · 4 Zimmer
  • · 123 m² Wohnfläche
  • · 1.060.000 € Kaufpreis
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Apartment XL CH1.3

New residential development in Valtournenche (town centre) - "Les Deux Chalets"

In the "Cervino Ski Paradise" Valtournenche we have this splendid to be built apartment for sale of 123 m².

"Les Deux Chalets" is located in the historic ...mehr lesen
Apartment XL CH1.3

New residential development in Valtournenche (town centre) - "Les Deux Chalets"

In the "Cervino Ski Paradise" Valtournenche we have this splendid to be built apartment for sale of 123 m².

"Les Deux Chalets" is located in the historic village of Valtournenche (1,524 metres above sea level) close to bars, restaurants, shops and just 300 metres from the start of the Cime Bianche ski lifts and the CERVINO SKI PARADISE ski area (Breuil-Cervinia - Valtournenche - Chamois - Torgnon - Zermatt), with over 350 km of slopes.

The apartment is part of a complex consisting of two connected chalets.

Chalet 1 is a self-contained unit (more info) or available as to separate apartments

* Chalet 1 consists of two apartments
* Chalet 2 consists of four apartments
* Prices are excluding 10% VAT and 3% agency commission (excluding VAT).

In chalet 1 is apartment ch1.3 for sale as described below

All completion payments are guaranteed by a deposit in accordance with Italian law to protect buyers.

The project:

The apartment project is still under development at the time of writing (November 2023), which means that early buyers have the opportunity to suggest changes to the layout. If you have specific requirements or a personal vision of the layout, our architect is available to work with you on this.

Apartment CH1.3 consists of to levels

Apartment CH1.3 is located on the second (piano secondo) and on third floor (piano terzo).
On the second floor (piano secondo) (98 m²) are 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, the living room with open space kitchen and a very large balcony.
On the third floor (piano terzo) (25 m²) are 2 bedrooms (or 1 bedroom and a home office), 1 bathroom and a walk-in closet.
Street level : 1 garage and 1 parking space

Modern architecture skilfully blended with traditional materials

Innovative construction resulting from careful planning with a modern style and the use of prestigious materials and niches that give the construction the taste and warmth of mountain homes.

New-generation plant technology, thermal insulation and hand-crafted windows and doors provide our properties with optimal energy performance for low running costs and at the same time the highest levels of living comfort.

Tradition & Innovation for an inviting home

By using natural, environmentally friendly materials, we bring the taste and warmth of Alpine tradition into your home.

A secure property investment, in an increasingly international location, and with the certainty of guaranteed property appreciation over time, this is the right house in the right place, for the whole family.


"Les Deux Chalets" is located in the historic village of Valtournenche (1,524 metres above sea level) close to bars, restaurants, shops and just 300 metres from the start of the Cime Bianche ski lifts and the CERVINO SKI PARADISE ski area (Breuil-Cervinia - Valtournenche - Chamois - Torgnon - Zermatt), with over 350 km of slopes and one of the largest ski areas in the world.


The chalet is scheduled for completion around summer 2025.


Valtournenche, nestled in the Aosta Valley in northwest Italy, is a charming Alpine village known for its breathtaking natural beauty and an array of outdoor activities, making it a delightful destination for tourists.

Alpine Beauty: Surrounded by the majestic peaks of the Italian Alps, Valtournenche offers stunning landscapes, including lush valleys, pristine alpine meadows, and panoramic views of towering peaks.

Skiing and Winter Sports: Renowned for its excellent skiing opportunities, Valtournenche is part of the renowned Matterhorn Ski Paradise. It provides access to diverse ski slopes catering to all skill levels, making it a haven for winter sports enthusiasts.

Hiking and Nature: During the warmer months, Valtournenche transforms into a paradise for hikers and nature lovers. There are numerous hiking trails that wind through the alpine terrain, offering picturesque vistas and access to beautiful lakes and meadows.

Cultural Heritage: The village boasts a rich cultural heritage reflected in its traditional Alpine architecture, historic buildings, and the Parish Church of Saint Pantaleon, providing visitors with glimpses into its past.

Gastronomy: Visitors can indulge in the flavors of the Aosta Valley, savoring traditional mountain cuisine featuring local specialties such as hearty polenta, fontina cheese, and savory cured meats.

Accessibility: Valtournenche is easily accessible by road and serves as an ideal base for exploring nearby attractions within the Aosta Valley, including its historic towns and natural wonders.

Overall, Valtournenche offers a blend of outdoor adventure, stunning natural landscapes, and a serene mountain atmosphere, making it an ideal destination for tourists seeking both outdoor activities and a taste of Alpine culture.


  • Nutzungsart
  • Objektart
  • Hauptobjektart
  • Vertragsart
  • Baujahr
  • Zimmer (gesamt)
  • Anzahl Schlafzimmer
  • Anzahl Badezimmer
  • Wohnfläche (ca.)
    123 m²
  • Anbieter-Objektnummer

Preise & Kosten

  • Courtage
    Keine besondere Angabe.

Standort & Lage

Tourtourouse Evette Valtournenche Valle d'Aosta 11028 Italië · 11028 Valtournenche · ITA


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Properstar SA

Rue Mercerie 12
1003 Lausanne
Tel.: +49 800 0010536
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