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Properstar SA

RE/MAX Prestige
  • Mehr erfahren 30570941

Haus zu kaufen in Setúbal, Portugal

  • Haus
  • · 1 Zimmer
  • · 222 m² Wohnfläche
  • · 900 m² Grundstücksfläche
  • · 2.500.000 € Kaufpreis
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On a plot of 900m² and with 371m² of construction, this distinguished villa of differentiated architecture is inserted. Located in Brancanes, a Premium area in the center of the city of Setúbal.

The villa ...mehr lesen

On a plot of 900m² and with 371m² of construction, this distinguished villa of differentiated architecture is inserted. Located in Brancanes, a Premium area in the center of the city of Setúbal.

The villa was designed by an architectural design thought out in detail, in order to standardize the outdoor and indoor space, establishing a perfect harmony.
Inside, the demand and high quality of the materials used, the natural light projected by large windows, give it an extremely welcoming atmosphere. As it is located at a high point, this villa is privileged by the fabulous sea view.
The concept of this property is quality and well-being, prepared to receive friends and family.
The central point is the large hall with a magnificent interior terrace that embraces the different environments, coexisting with each other in perfect harmony. Without going outside, you can enjoy this terrace for a meal or a moment of reading outdoors.
Comprising 9 rooms spread over three floors, it has 5 bedrooms, an office, five bathrooms, a fully equipped kitchen and laundry.

Outside, we find a magnificent leisure space, and an outdoor dining area with a fully equipped kitchen.
It also has a garage and gym on the lower floor.

Features and equipment:

• Interior flooring in sucupira wood and white marble
• Fully equipped kitchen with SMEG appliances
• Fully equipped laundry room
• Air conditioning and heating installed in all rooms by means of split heat pump units.
• Water heating by thermosiphon type solar system Heat pipe complemented by electric water heater.

Equipped gym:

• Nordictrack T8.5 treadmill. S 3.5CHP
• Freestride trainer FS 7i elliptical trainer
• Samsung TV

Equipped outdoor kitchen:

• Electrolux dishwasher
• COOL HEAD fridge
• Gas hob
• GRESILVA high capacity gas grill
• BOSCH high-draft electric cooker hood
• Fast response electric water heater


• Located 30 minutes from Lisbon, via the 25 de Abril Bridge and Vasco da Gama Bridge
• 10 minutes from the motorway accesses to Lisbon and Algarve
• 15 minutes from the beautiful beaches with world prominence inserted in the Arrábida Natural Park
• Enjoy being in the center, the proximity to the city's cultural center, restaurants and all services
• It is 5 minutes from the sea transport to the Troia Peninsula, aboard Atlantic Ferries ferries or catamarans.
• 15 minutes from St. Peter's School

If you are looking for a quiet life, looking for comfort and well-being, you have to come and visit and feel this distinctive and charismatic property! Book your visit now!



In a 900m² plot and with 371m² of building, this distinct villa features unique architecture. Located in Brancanes, a premium area in the center of Setúbal.

The villa was designed with meticulous architectural detail, aiming to unify the exterior and interior spaces, establishing perfect harmony. Inside, the high standards and quality of materials used, along with the natural light projected by large windows, create an extremely welcoming atmosphere. Being situated on a high point, this villa benefits from a fabulous sea view. The concept of this property is quality and well-being, prepared to host friends and family.
The spacious living room is a central feature, complemented by a magnificent interior terrace that embraces various environments, coexisting in perfect harmony. Without stepping outside, you can enjoy this terrace for a meal or a moment of reading in the open air.
Comprising 9 rooms spread over three floors, it includes 5 bedrooms, an office, five bathrooms, a fully equipped kitchen, and a laundry room.

Outside, there is a magnificent leisure area and a dining space for outdoor meals with a fully equipped support kitchen. It also includes a garage and a gym on the lower floor.

Features and Equipment:

• Interior flooring in sucupira wood and white marble
• Fully equipped kitchen with SMEG appliances
• Fully equipped laundry
• Air conditioning and heating installed in all rooms through split heat pump units.
• Water heating via solar thermosiphon heat pipe system complemented by an electric water heater.

Equipped Gym:

• Nordictrack T8.5. S Treadmill 3.5CHP
• Freestride trainer FS 7i Elliptical
• Samsung Television

Equipped Outdoor Kitchen:

• Electrolux Dishwasher
• COOL HEAD Refrigerator
• Gas Cooking Hob
• High-capacity Gas Grill GRESILVA
• High-efficiency BOSCH Electric Extractor
• Quick-response Electric Water Heater


• Located 30 minutes from Lisbon via the 25th of April Bridge and Vasco da Gama Bridge
• 10 minutes from motorway access to Lisbon and the Algarve
• 15 minutes from the beautiful world-renowned beaches within the Arrábida Natural Park
• Enjoys proximity to the city's cultural hub, restaurants, and all services due to its central location
• 5 minutes from maritime transport to the Troia Peninsula, aboard Atlantic Ferries ferries or catamarans
• 15 minutes from St. Peter's International School

If you are looking for a tranquil life, comfort, and well-being, you must come visit and feel this distinct and charismatic property! Schedule your visit now!


  • Nutzungsart
  • Objektart
  • Hauptobjektart
  • Vertragsart
  • Zimmer (gesamt)
  • Anzahl Schlafzimmer
  • Anzahl Badezimmer
  • Wohnfläche (ca.)
    222 m²
  • Grundstücksfläche (ca.)
    900 m²
  • Anbieter-Objektnummer

Preise & Kosten

  • Courtage
    Keine besondere Angabe.


  • Energieeffizienzklasse

Standort & Lage

2900-490 Setúbal, Setúbal · PRT

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Properstar SA

Rue Mercerie 12
1003 Lausanne
Tel.: +49 800 0010536
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