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Properstar SA

Carratelli Real estate
  • Mehr erfahren 30569599

Wohnung zu kaufen in Siena, Italy

  • Wohnung
  • · 10 Zimmer
  • · 160 m² Wohnfläche
  • · 3.400.000 € Kaufpreis
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Penthouse in Siena of about 160sqm, plus panoramic terraces overlooking the monuments of the medieval city and the surrounding countryside, the 360-degree view and the view of Piazza del Campo make it a property of rare beauty and historical value, ...mehr lesen
Penthouse in Siena of about 160sqm, plus panoramic terraces overlooking the monuments of the medieval city and the surrounding countryside, the 360-degree view and the view of Piazza del Campo make it a property of rare beauty and historical value, the property is located on the top floor of a noble palace of the 1200s.
the property is accessed via a perfectly preserved terracotta staircase, with a double entrance from the wooden door to the colored glass door, the access directly overlooks the living room where, through the central window there is a first view of the square and the Torre del Mangia, symbol of the city. On the left of the entrance we find a comfortable service bathroom, also from the hallway you enter the living area communicating with the kitchen. From the entrance, continuing on the right there is a corridor that leads to the single bedroom and two closets, one with boiler room and one for storage. continuing the steps lead to the two bedrooms and the second bathroom and a study, from the main bedroom, with two windows there is a lot of natural light, you can see the Duomo where the moon rises and the roofs of the city.
There are two beautiful panoramic terraces, which dominate the city and give a breathtaking view of the surrounding countryside, from Val di Merse, to Chianti up to Val d'Orcia with Monte Amiata and Monte Cetona in the background, prevails spatiality and unique views of monuments such as Duomo and Torre del Magia and the red roofs typical of the city of Siena. The first terrace is optimal for dinners, aperitifs and exclusive events, the second offers a privileged view of the main pizza, especially on the occasion of the most famous equestrian race in the world, the Palio. The facades are typical of the stone of medieval palaces, with imposing structures that are at the same time elegant and finished.
State and finishes
The property has gone through the centuries of its long life in an optimal state of preservation, renovated and finished over the years has elegant finishes and light colors. The floors are both terracotta and Italian oak parquet but there is no shortage of comforts such as heating with cast iron radiators, and air conditioning.
potential uses
This penthouse, in addition to being a piece of history, lends itself perfectly to any use, both residential, as a second home to be used as an income, and as a high-profile property for high-profile companies.
The property, both internally and externally, is notified to the Fine Arts as a property of great historical importance.
Location & lifestyle
Siena is one of the symbolic cities of Tuscany but also the beating heart of a province that contains some of the most evocative landscapes in the world, including Chianti, Val d'Orcia, Crete Senesi and Val di Chiana, as well as being the place where the most famous equestrian race in the world takes place twice a year (July 2 and August 16), the Palio di Siena, this is a city ''on a human scale'' where the whole center is easily navigated. The apartment is located right on the main square of the city, therefore it allows guests to walk to the major points of interest of the historic center, including Piazza del Campo with the Palazzo Pubblico and the Torre della Mangia, the Duomo and the Facciatone, the Medici Fortress, the Basilica of San Domenico. In the same way, the numerous typical restaurants of the city and the Conad and Pam supermarkets are within easy reach, just over 200m from the property.


  • Nutzungsart
  • Objektart
  • Hauptobjektart
  • Vertragsart
  • Zimmer (gesamt)
  • Anzahl Badezimmer
  • Wohnfläche (ca.)
    160 m²
  • Etage
  • Anzahl Terrassen
  • Anzahl Etagen
  • Anbieter-Objektnummer

Preise & Kosten

  • Courtage
    Keine besondere Angabe.


  • Befeuerungsart
  • Energieeffizienzklasse
  • Wesentlicher Energieträger


  • Klimanalage

Standort & Lage

piazza del campo · 53100 Siena · ITA


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Properstar SA

Rue Mercerie 12
1003 Lausanne
Tel.: +49 800 0010536
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