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Properstar SA

ANEDDA Real Estate Group
  • Mehr erfahren 30567815

Gebäude zu kaufen in Olbia, Italy

  • Zinshaus/Renditeobjekt
  • · 18 Zimmer
  • · 465 m² Wohnfläche
  • · 62.000 m² Grundstücksfläche
  • · 2.900.000 € Kaufpreis
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An exclusive corner in the heart of the Costa Smeralda: luxury and nature at the service of relaxation Immersed in the silence of a forest of centuries-old oaks, between Olbia and Arzachena, this extraordinary 6-hectare property offers a unique ...mehr lesen
An exclusive corner in the heart of the Costa Smeralda: luxury and nature at the service of relaxation Immersed in the silence of a forest of centuries-old oaks, between Olbia and Arzachena, this extraordinary 6-hectare property offers a unique opportunity to experience the most authentic Sardinia. Surrounded by a panorama that ranges from the sea to the hinterland, the accommodation stands out for its elegance, sustainability and perfect integration with the surrounding nature. A perfect retreat between comfort and nature The property consists of eight apartments, arranged in two large blocks, each with different types and sizes to meet the needs of customers. Each unit is equipped with all modern amenities, including air conditioning, satellite TV, equipped kitchen, Wi-Fi and private parking. The choice to use wood as the main material not only guarantees a natural aesthetic, but brings numerous advantages: energy savings, anti-seismic resistance, durability and unparalleled acoustic comfort. Each apartment offers a corner of tranquility, with covered verandas of over 20 square meters and private green spaces, ideal for enjoying the surrounding landscape. With an accommodation capacity of about 40 people, the structure is perfectly suited to groups, families or romantic stays, offering tailor-made solutions for every type of holiday. An outdoor paradise Outside, the property extends into a real corner of paradise, with a vineyard of 6000 square meters (currently not productive), an orchard of 150 plants and an olive grove with 200 plants. These natural spaces offer an atmosphere of absolute peace, while the 100 sqm panoramic swimming pool, surrounded by greenery, is an oasis of relaxation for guests. Next to the pool, a 200 sqm gazebo creates a lounge area perfect for moments of leisure and conviviality, where you can discover the pleasure of silence and the climate that only nature can give. Sustainability and well-being The property is designed to respect the environment, with the use of renewable energy and a rainwater collection system. In addition, it is equipped with two wells with a water reserve of 40,000 liters, with a certification for mineral water from one of the wells. The property also boasts a variety of sports facilities, including a basketball court, a bowling alley, jogging trails, mountain bikes and a small equipped gym. Comfort and exclusive services For those looking for a complete experience, the structure also has an office of 20 square meters, an equipped barbecue, and a small green area for walks or moments of relaxation. Each apartment is equipped with an induction kitchenette, safe, hairdryer, welcome kit, and orthopedic mattresses to ensure a comfortable stay. An opportunity for investors and nature lovers The strategic location, just a few minutes from the most exclusive beaches of the Costa Smeralda, and the direct access without constraints from easements or crossings, make this property a unique opportunity for those looking for a safe and prestigious investment. With the possibility of further developing the acreage or resuming wine production, the property offers ample opportunities for growth. The current vineyard, although not productive, has a capacity of about 4500 bottles of white and red wine per year, while the remaining part of the area extends into Mediterranean scrub, orchard and olive grove, for a total of over 24,000 square meters of land. An exclusive retreat, away from the hustle and bustle but close to luxury With its location in an unspoilt corner of Sardinia, but at the same time within easy reach of the attractions of the Costa Smeralda, this property offers the perfect balance of exclusivity, privacy and access to all the wonders of the island. Away from the hustle and bustle, but close to the best that Sardinia has to offer, it represents an unparalleled opportunity for those looking for a luxury experience, but also a safe investment in a natural and preserved setting. Available Status Area 465 Sq.m. + 6.2 hectares of lot Position Olbia - San Giovanni Type Country Lodge Price 2.900.000


  • Nutzungsart
  • Objektart
  • Hauptobjektart
  • Vertragsart
  • Baujahr
  • Zimmer (gesamt)
  • Anzahl Schlafzimmer
  • Anzahl Badezimmer
  • Wohnfläche (ca.)
    465 m²
  • Grundstücksfläche (ca.)
    62.000 m²
  • Anbieter-Objektnummer

Preise & Kosten

  • Courtage
    Keine besondere Angabe.


  • Möbliert
  • Klimanalage
  • Kabelanschluss
  • Alarmanlage

Standort & Lage

Unnamed Road · 07026 Olbia · ITA


Speisesaal, Gäste-Suiten, Außenschwimmbad, Sporteinrichtungen

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Properstar SA

Rue Mercerie 12
1003 Lausanne
Tel.: +49 800 0010536
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