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Properstar SA

Imojoy Real Estate
  • Mehr erfahren 30561963

Haus zu kaufen in Arco da Calheta, Portugal

  • Haus
  • · 4 Zimmer
  • · 340 m² Wohnfläche
  • · 430 m² Grundstücksfläche
  • · 2.950.000 € Kaufpreis
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AURORA Villa consists of three fantastic villas, of which only one remains for sale at this stage, yours!

This home, with its exquisite design, offers design reflections set forth by Prometheus Luxury Real Estate Developer, inspired by contemporary ...mehr lesen
AURORA Villa consists of three fantastic villas, of which only one remains for sale at this stage, yours!

This home, with its exquisite design, offers design reflections set forth by Prometheus Luxury Real Estate Developer, inspired by contemporary Portuguese architectural finishes, including outdoor terraces, private pools, jacuzzis and private bathrooms. Without compromising on size or style, they built a true dream home.

The Aurora houses, with their contemporary architecture and fabulous infinity profile pools, have a perfect setting, so that you can enjoy the sea view, surrounded by a tropical garden setting. Carefully incorporated the common areas for socializing while sunbathing in private in the pool solarium. Its open space design maximizes the interior spaces, making the kitchen and living room a fluid and open space to the covered outdoor terrace.

On this terrace, you can find an outdoor dining area equipped with an outdoor fireplace, barbecue, jacuzzi, swimming pool and bar.
The house has three generously sized bedrooms with luxury finishes. The house is distributed on several levels, in order to frame the volume on the slope and to enjoy, throughout the house, the best views of the sea. This architectural project has been crafted to perfection, from the initial layout to the choice of high quality and durable materials, including all the details of artificial and linear lighting.

On the -1 floor you can find the master bedroom which has a private bathroom, with floor-to-ceiling panoramic windows, which allows you to glimpse the landscaped landscape and the immensity of the Atlantic. Inside the house, the quality and refinement of natural materials prevail, to create an exclusive contemporary building. On the same floor, there is also an additional double bedroom and a multipurpose room, which can be used for study or any other activity. These last two bedrooms share a fully equipped bathroom. Access to the first floor is via the staircase and an elevator that communicates directly with the entrance to the house.

On the 2nd floor you can find some spectacular features that distinguish this property, the only one of its kind in Madeira. Here you can enjoy an open-air cinema, an infinity pool with sun loungers, and enjoy the immensity of the sky and the variety of exotic gardens on the cliff, to the rhythm of the swaying of a hammock. Perhaps you help yourself to a coffee in the tea room by the fireplace or organize a nice barbecue in the outdoor living room to enjoy in the presence of your favorite company. Enjoy the spectacular sun in the solarium of the pool or jacuzzi and especially the sunset over the immensity of the sea.

This property offers a three-year warranty to repair any defects or damages, excluding normal wear and tear.
Energy Rating: A+

AURORA Villa consists of three fantastic villas, of which only one remains for sale at this stage, yours!

This home, with its exquisite design, offers design reflections set forth by Prometheus Luxury Real Estate Developer, inspired by contemporary Portuguese architectural finishes, including outdoor terraces, private pools, jacuzzis and private bathrooms. Without compromising on size or style, they built a true dream home.

The Aurora houses, with their contemporary architecture and fabulous infinity profile pools, have a perfect setting, so that you can enjoy the sea view, surrounded by a tropical garden setting. Carefully incorporated the common areas for socialising while sunbathing in private in the pool solarium. Its open space design maximises the interior spaces, making the kitchen and living room a fluid and open space to the covered outdoor terrace.

On this terrace, you can find an outdoor dining area equipped with an outdoor fireplace, barbecue, jacuzzi, swimming pool and bar.
The house has three generously sized bedrooms with luxury finishes. The house is distributed on several levels, in order to frame the volume on the slope and to enjoy, throughout the house, the best views of the sea. This architectural project has been crafted to perfection, from the initial layout to the choice of high quality and durable materials, including all the details of artificial and linear lighting.

On the -1 floor you can find the master bedroom which has a private bathroom, with floor-to-ceiling panoramic windows, which allows you to glimpse the landscaped landscape and the immensity of the Atlantic. Inside the house, the quality and refinement of natural materials prevail, to create an exclusive contemporary building. On the same floor, there is also an additional double bedroom and a multipurpose room, which can be used for study or any other activity. These last two bedrooms share a fully equipped bathroom. Access to the ground floor is via the staircase and a lift that communicates directly with the entrance to the house.

On the 2nd floor you can find some spectacular features that distinguish this property, the only one of its kind in Madeira. Here you can enjoy an open-air cinema, an infinity pool with sun loungers, and enjoy the immensity of the sky and the variety of exotic gardens on the cliff, to the rhythm of the swaying of a hammock. Perhaps you help yourself to a coffee in the tea room by the fireplace or organise a nice barbecue in the outdoor living room to enjoy in the presence of your favourite company. Enjoy the spectacular sun in the solarium of the pool or jacuzzi and especially the sunset over the immensity of the sea.

This property offers a three-year warranty to repair any defects or damages, excluding normal wear and tear.
Energy Rating: A+


  • Nutzungsart
  • Objektart
  • Hauptobjektart
  • Vertragsart
  • Zimmer (gesamt)
  • Anzahl Schlafzimmer
  • Anzahl Badezimmer
  • Wohnfläche (ca.)
    340 m²
  • Grundstücksfläche (ca.)
    430 m²
  • Anbieter-Objektnummer

Preise & Kosten

  • Courtage
    Keine besondere Angabe.


  • Energieeffizienzklasse

Standort & Lage

Arco da Calheta · PRT

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Properstar SA

Rue Mercerie 12
1003 Lausanne
Tel.: +49 800 0010536
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