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Properstar SA

  • Mehr erfahren 30561417

Wohnung zu kaufen in Santa Maria Maior, Portugal

  • Wohnung
  • · 1 Zimmer
  • · 233 m² Wohnfläche
  • · 1.950.000 € Kaufpreis
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Top floor duplex with balconies in a historic building inserted in a unique urban environment, with balconies, lift and parking.

In an extraordinary location, in the most elegant neighbourhood of Lisbon, this flat combines classic charm and modern ...mehr lesen
Top floor duplex with balconies in a historic building inserted in a unique urban environment, with balconies, lift and parking.

In an extraordinary location, in the most elegant neighbourhood of Lisbon, this flat combines classic charm and modern amenities; with a direct view over the Basilica of Our Lady of the Martyrs we find this flat in a historic building completely rebuilt with quality finishes and equipment.

Duplex flat with 3 suites consists of a large living room with two fronts and several windows all overlooking Rua Garrett and Largo Camões with balcony, dining room with access to the kitchen and third living room on the ground floor with excellent south-facing balcony.

Fully equipped modern kitchen with integrated equipment, counter and access to the dining room. Equipped with: Refrigerator, oven, microwave, dishwasher, ceramic hob, extractor hood .

On the ground floor we find the 3 bedrooms en-suites, a living room and excellent south-facing balcony.
This room, which is currently used as a TV room, has access to an open balcony overlooking the surroundings and a large window; The bathrooms have glass walls and large windows, running mirrors and wooden floors, two of which are equipped with a bathtub and one with a shower.

This flat allows the option of purchasing a separate T1, which you can use with connection to the main T3 flat or use for guests and/or rent, creating an extraordinary investment possibility. Contact us for more details about this complementary flat.


Guest toilet next to the main entrance, 3 en-suite bathrooms with bathtubs and shower.

Equipment and Amenities:

Built-in simulated electric fireplace with small warming cover
Underfloor heating on the main floor
Quality double-glazed windows and window frames
Air conditioning
Washing machine
Tumble dryer
Solid wood flooring plank
Built-in wardrobes
Parking space in a modern garage 50 meters away, included. (independent fraction that can be rented or sold separately)
Private Storage

Glass-ceramic hob

Surroundings nearby:
Chiado: One of the most emblematic neighbourhoods of the city where we find classic theatres, bookstores, sophisticated Michelin-starred restaurants, international brand stores, giving a cosmopolitan and lively atmosphere at any time of the day.

Rua Garrett is its main street, with the Armazéns do Chiado shopping mall at one end and the famous café A Brasileira at the other. In the middle is one of the most beautiful stores in the city, a jewellery store from 1909 that is now part of the 'Tous' brand and one of the first and most beautiful elevators in Europe in the old Ramiro Leão warehouses, today the United Colors of Benetton store,

Basilica of the Martyrs
Dedicated to the martyrs who participated in the reconquest of Lisbon from the Moors in 1147, this basilica was built after the earthquake of 1755, on the site of a collapsed 12th-century church. It was where the first baptism after the reconquest took place, but today it is best known for having been where the poet Fernando Pessoa was baptised. It was completed in 1784, in the Baroque and Neoclassical styles.

Bertrand Bookstore
Founded by two French brothers in 1732, this is the oldest bookshop in Lisbon, Portugal and the world, as evidenced by a Guinness World Records certificate on the door.

Curiosity: origin of the name:
Chiado was a sixteenth-century innkeeper, owner of an establishment located in front of what are now the Armazéns do Chiado.

All information presented is non-binding and does not require confirmation by consulting the property's documentation.
Energy Rating: D


  • Nutzungsart
  • Objektart
  • Hauptobjektart
  • Vertragsart
  • Objektzustand
  • Zimmer (gesamt)
  • Anzahl Schlafzimmer
  • Anzahl Badezimmer
  • Anzahl Parkflächen
  • Wohnfläche (ca.)
    233 m²
  • Gesamtfläche (ca.)
    273,26 m²
  • Nutzfläche (ca.)
    233 m²
  • Anbieter-Objektnummer

Preise & Kosten

  • Courtage
    Keine besondere Angabe.


  • Energieeffizienzklasse


  • Personenaufzug
  • Klimanalage
  • Alarmanlage

Standort & Lage

Santa Maria Maior · PRT

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Properstar SA

Rue Mercerie 12
1003 Lausanne
Tel.: +49 800 0010536
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