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Properstar SA

De Brito Properties
  • Mehr erfahren 30553321

Kommerziell zu kaufen in Arcos, Portugal

  • Land- und Forstwirtschaft
  • · 100.000 m² Grundstücksfläche
  • · 1.200.000 € Kaufpreis
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No one in the region knows this property by its real name. It is still known locally as the 'Chalet' and is distinguished by its architecture, size and charm. There is something 'Gatsbyan' (forgive us for inventing the word) about the facade of the ...mehr lesen
No one in the region knows this property by its real name. It is still known locally as the 'Chalet' and is distinguished by its architecture, size and charm. There is something 'Gatsbyan' (forgive us for inventing the word) about the facade of the main house. Something cinematic, which makes it unique and spectacular.

There must be dozens of stories about this property and due it´s antique it might saw the last Portuguese King passing through. Yes, the property still has the old railway line, where the King passed so many times on his way to Vila Viçosa and Lisbon. Have he ever entered in Vila Augusta?...
The old Estação dos Arcos that precedes the property have certainly witnessed much of the history of this manor house.

The current owners, sensitive people with good taste, fell in love with this property in 2016 and even found a newspaper from 1910 mentioning Vila Augusta. Other documents in their possession, such as previous deeds dating from the beginning of the 20th century, takes us back in time. Documents with a beautiful handwriting enchants us and they will be passed on to future owners.

In addition to the charm of the main house, the property consists of:

10 hectares, with an olive grove and vineyard both in production.
There is also a caretaker's house with 2 bedrooms. Also a beautiful 'casão' with the original floor and wooden ceiling. An old and generous wood oven reveals that bread was made there for the community, not just for those at home.
A water tank beautiful as a swimming pool cools down on the hottest days. A BBQ was added to provide more convivial moments.

Regarding the house there are many original elements:

On the ground floor:
In the center you will find a beautiful living/dining room, with a fireplace, and with two large original shutters facing North and South. To one side of the living room we have access to the kitchen, guest bathroom and stairs to the first floor. On the other side of the living room we access a generous hallway and a suite.

On the 1st floor:
Find 2 suites with balcony
The bathrooms were covered with the beautiful Estremoz marble.
1 vestibule
1 office
1 Living room full of natural light, with fireplace and balcony with access to the exterior, mirrored staircase.
From the first floor we access via a staircase to the terrace which has a delightful view of the beautiful olive grove, vineyards and beyond to Serra D´Ossa and the castle of Evoramonte.

Technical notes:
There is 1 borehole that supplies water to the entire property
Is there mains electricity
The windows and most doors have been replaced by the current owners to make the house comfortable.
The house has central heating in all rooms.
There are 3 hectares of vineyards: 1 hectare of six-year-old Arinto white grapes. 2 hectares with the Aragonês red grape variety aged 12 years. There is 7 hectares of traditional Galician olive grove. The grape and olive production is sold to cooperatives. More details may be provided later.
The property is fenced.

The proximity to the beautiful city of Estremoz, 5 minutes by car, is an advantage, as is the access to the A6. The property is 1h30 from Lisbon, 35 minutes from Évora and Spain.

Welcome to Estremoz!


  • Nutzungsart
  • Objektart
  • Hauptobjektart
    Land- und Forstwirtschaft
  • Vertragsart
  • Objektzustand
  • Anzahl Schlafzimmer
  • Anzahl Badezimmer
  • Gesamtfläche (ca.)
    341,3 m²
  • Grundstücksfläche (ca.)
    100.000 m²
  • Anbieter-Objektnummer

Preise & Kosten

  • Courtage
    Keine besondere Angabe.

Standort & Lage

Arcos · PRT

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Properstar SA

Rue Mercerie 12
1003 Lausanne
Tel.: +49 800 0010536
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