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G Estates - NGJ Group Estates SL

Zsolt Guba
03110 Alicante
  • Mehr erfahren 30549143

5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms Townhouse in Javea

  • Wohnung
  • · 6 Zimmer
  • · 283 m² Wohnfläche
  • · 2.750.000 € Kaufpreis
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Opportunity to purchase the rarest of jewels oveR 626 m2 of prime located property, in the centre of Jáveas historical centre WITH HOTEL USE GRANTED BY JAVEA TOWN HALL plus the possobility of buying two adjacent independent commercial units and 2 ...mehr lesen
Opportunity to purchase the rarest of jewels oveR 626 m2 of prime located property, in the centre of Jáveas historical centre WITH HOTEL USE GRANTED BY JAVEA TOWN HALL plus the possobility of buying two adjacent independent commercial units and 2 apartments. This charming townhouse, complete with superb terraces and swimming pool, 3 arch naya terrace with sea views, and a 5-car garage is a regal estate in itself. The main accommodation can be accessed either via the integrated . iT is distributed over 3 levels with lift shaft space avilable to offer private elevator access between them. There is a wide reception hall, a private office space, spacious reception room, with two seating areas and dining area, all of which flows wonderfully on to the vast terraces to the southern aspect of the property, and which also has convenient access to the kitchen and utility space. The incredibly private terraces offering comfortable outdoor dining and seating areas to enjoy throughout the year. The sheltered courtyard, with mature bitter orange trees provides a warm, sunny spot in winter, and the 3-arch naya terrace, built using the original tosca arches, offers a huge dining area, and cosy seating area, with views across the Javea skyline to the sea and enjoys the cool, southern breeze in summer. The terraces surround a superb swimming pool, with natural stone and terracotta feature wall. For guests, there is a dressing room adjacent to the swimming pool, with showers, WC and changing area, plus a separate laundry room and hidden drying terrace The first floor of this property with three double bedrooms, and two bathrooms, including the master suite with bedroom, dressing room, bathroom, sitting room, and access to a wonderful covered terrace complete with wooden decking, and which overlooks the terraces. There is a second family bathroom also on this level for the rest of the family. The second level of this property could be made entirely independent as it benefits from a private street access, including garage space for a motorbike. This area has been wonderfully converted into a double height open area, with feature rounded windows, living and dining areas, balcony, bedroom, bathroom and kitchen, plus a wonderful open-plan area with access to a an office space and small second bedroom. The property with high ceilings with beam and barrel feature, the use of local traditional materials such as the tosca stone walls and arches, and marble floors. The rooms are spacious and retain the heat and the cool, depending on the season, due to the incredible solidity of the walls and the oil-fired central heating. For keen investors who appreciate charming and characterful properties, or anyone looking for additional space also available to purchase are two independent apartments which can be integrated into the main house. There is a 3-bedroom 2 bathroom apartment and a 2-bedroom, 2 bathroom apartmentwith a total area of 400m2 , which can be joined as they are adjacent to each other,each with independent access and private patios. There are also two independent commercial units. Both the apartments and commercial units offer an interesting investment option, with excellent rental yields, and can be purchased conjointly for an additional 550,000 EUR. These properties can be integrated within the main property, or redistributed and sold off independently if required. IW


  • Nutzungsart
  • Objektart
  • Hauptobjektart
  • Vertragsart
  • Zimmer (gesamt)
  • Anzahl Schlafzimmer
  • Anzahl Badezimmer
  • Wohnfläche (ca.)
    283 m²
  • Anbieter-Objektnummer

Preise & Kosten

  • Courtage
    Keine besondere Angabe.

Standort & Lage

03009 Alicante (Alacant) · Costa Blanca · ESP

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Zsolt Guba

Calle del Margé 1
03110 Alicante

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Um Ihr Widerrufsrecht auszuüben, müssen Sie uns (G Estates - NGJ Group Estates SL, Calle del Margé 1, 03110 Mutxamel, 0034-600 720 858, mittels einer eindeutigen Erklärung (z. B. ein mit der Post versandter Brief, Telefax oder E-Mail) über Ihren Entschluss, diesen Vertrag zu widerrufen, informieren. Sie können dafür das beigefügte Muster-Widerrufsformular verwenden, das jedoch nicht vorgeschrieben ist. Zur Wahrung der Widerrufsfrist reicht es aus, dass Sie die Mitteilung über die Ausübung des Widerrufsrechts vor Ablauf der Widerrufsfrist absenden.

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An G Estates - NGJ Group Estates SL, Calle del Margé 1, 03110 Mutxamel, 0034-600 720 858,

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Zsolt Guba

Calle del Margé 1
03110 Mutxamel
Tel.: 0034-600 720 858
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