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G Estates - NGJ Group Estates SL

Zsolt Guba
03110 Alicante
  • Mehr erfahren 30546311

New build, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom villa in Benissa

  • Wohnung
  • · 4 Zimmer
  • · 800 m² Grundstücksfläche
  • · 890.000 € Kaufpreis
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NEW BUILD VILLA IN BENISSA New Build Villa located at the Residential complex, surrounded by nature and located in a strategic place, very close to the Baladrar, Advocat and Fustera coves and just 10 minutes from Calpe and Moraira. Villa distributed ...mehr lesen
NEW BUILD VILLA IN BENISSA New Build Villa located at the Residential complex, surrounded by nature and located in a strategic place, very close to the Baladrar, Advocat and Fustera coves and just 10 minutes from Calpe and Moraira. Villa distributed all in one floor, turning it into a practical and functional house. From the entrance you get access to the hall, on the right side you have the daily area, where we can find the kitchen completely open to the dining room and living room from where you can directly access to the terrace, the outside porch and barbecue. On the left side we get access to the night area distributed into 3 bedrooms. The master room which has an individual bathroom as well as a dressing room and the other two bedrooms which share a bathroom. In this side of the house there is also a laundry area. On the exterior terrace we find the pool with a relaxing area to enjoy the sun or a dinner at the barbecue. As well as access to the garden areas. Plot: 800 m2 Built area: 138 m2 Auxiliar area: 123 m2 Total area: 261 m2 Number of bedrooms: 3 Number of bathrooms: 2 Status: Project Characteristics Entry The house as a whole is fenced and has two access doors, one for pedestrians with electronic door entry and another for motorized vehicles with remote control. Outdoor areas The outdoor areas maintain the quality and design planned for the interior of the house, both in the use of high quality materials and in the configuration of spaces with optional urban furniture. Lighting for the outdoor spaces around the house as well as pedestrian, road access, terrace and barbecue areas are included. The garden is equipped with an automatic irrigation system. All the garden surface will be finished with gravel and a will include a geotextile net underneath. Pool A size of 31 m2 approximately, built-in steps, subaquatic led spotlights. Including: filter, pump, electrical panel and Interior – mosaic finishing. It also has pre-installation for heating by heat pump, a completely finished and paved facilities room, as well as a closed room with ventilation where the pool facilities are housed. Car parking Outdoor parking area with the possibility of installing a pergola (extra). Illumination The spaces of your house enjoy natural light through the large windows. As well as a LED spotlight inside the whole house. Heating The heating system chosen for your home is an underfloor heating system which provides a distribution of heat adapted to the ideal needs of the human body. Air conditioning Air conditioning will operate through an air vent system, including individual AC conditioning for each room. Ventilation The housing ventilation system works with a mechanical extraction of indoor air through ducts from the kitchen and bathrooms up to the rooftop chimney. Acoustics We have especially taken care of the sound insulation incorporated in each of the constructive solutions of your home so that you enjoy a good level of comfort in each room. Complying with the Technical Building Code, Basic Document of Protection against Noise and Safety of Use and Accessibility. Interior distribution The interior distribution is partitioned by a sinner sheet of 9cm ceramic brick. Inside the partitions between bedrooms thermoclay blocks are placed to isolate noise. Glazing Double glazing featuring a CLIMALIT type air chamber providing solar control and low emissivity. Exterior carpentry The carpentries consist of lacquered aluminium from first brands with thermal break and folding or tilt-and-turn opening according to cases in bedroom and living room windows. As well as motorized blinds in all bedrooms. Kitchen Modern kitchen featuring laminated doors combined with smooth white-lacquered doors including drawers with stoppers and Silestone countertops on white. Included goods: oven, microwave, vitro-ceramic hob, extraction hood, paneling fridge and paneling dishwasher. Bathrooms Bathrooms with Roca toilets, “The Square” models. Also Roca “Victoria” vanity basins including mirror with integrated LED light. Shower trays will have the same finish as the house floor (non-slip) and a fixed glass handle. Plumbing and Sanitary The installation of hot and cold water with conduits in recessed pipes made according to current regulations, with hot water return circuit, general stopcock and independent cutting keys in each bathroom. Faucet for washbasin with mixer from first brands with a black finish and an automatic drain. Benissa is located towards the northern end of the Costa Blanca, just off the A-7 Motorway; the trip to and from Alicante airport takes just over one hour. The town is small, but enchanting with its medieval architecture and charming plazas. Although only 5 kilometres distance from the sea – as the crow flies, the nearest beaches by road are approximately 11 kilometres away and the seaside towns of Calpe (to the south) and Moraira (to the north east) are approximately 12 kilometres distance.


  • Nutzungsart
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  • Hauptobjektart
  • Vertragsart
  • Zimmer (gesamt)
  • Anzahl Schlafzimmer
  • Anzahl Badezimmer
  • Grundstücksfläche (ca.)
    800 m²
  • Anbieter-Objektnummer

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    Keine besondere Angabe.

Standort & Lage

03720 Benissa · Costa Blanca · ESP

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Zsolt Guba

Calle del Margé 1
03110 Alicante

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Zsolt Guba

Calle del Margé 1
03110 Mutxamel
Tel.: 0034-600 720 858
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