Angebot 20 von 13412

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Properstar SA

Sotheby's International Realty
  • Mehr erfahren 30543975

Gebäude zu kaufen in Cospicua, Malta

  • Zinshaus/Renditeobjekt
  • · 19 Zimmer
  • · 700 m² Wohnfläche
  • · 5.150.000 € Kaufpreis
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Cité Privée represents an extraordinary investment opportunity in Malta’s burgeoning luxury real estate and hospitality market. This meticulously restored 17th-century property offers a unique blend of historical charm and modern sophistication, ...mehr lesen
Cité Privée represents an extraordinary investment opportunity in Malta’s burgeoning luxury real estate and hospitality market. This meticulously restored 17th-century property offers a unique blend of historical charm and modern sophistication, strategically located near the Cospicua super yacht marina. Positioned at the forefront of Malta’s transformation into a high-end destination for discerning travelers and investors, Cité Privée presents robust investment potential with flexible configuration options.
Investment Highlights
Prime Location: Situated in a 1650-built property adjacent to Valletta’s super yacht marina, Cité Privée offers breathtaking access and views that appeal to high-net-worth individuals.
90% Complete Luxury Conversion: This property is nearly finished as a luxury hotel, with the potential for residential reconfiguration, making it a versatile asset.
Unique Positioning: Cité Privée stands out in Malta’s rapidly growing ultra-luxury market, attracting an influx of affluent travelers and investors.
Favorable Tax Environment: Malta’s Non-Domiciled tax regime and property investment pathway to EU citizenship are highly attractive for global investors.
Projected Profitability: With a projected annual profit of €1.5 million from hotel operations, Cité Privée boasts a strong capitalization rate and significant appreciation potential.
Expansion Potential: Opportunities to expand into surrounding villas allow for a Mediterranean village concept, adding scalability and further appeal to luxury clients.
Property Overview
Cité Privée is the result of seven years of restoration expertise, transforming a historic 1650-built property into a luxury boutique hotel that meets exacting Swiss construction standards. Key features include:
Exclusive Suites: 5-6 spacious suites, each meticulously designed to showcase both historical character and modern luxury.
Swiss Quality Standards: The only hotel in Malta featuring underfloor heating and built-in dehumidifiers, addressing comfort in Malta’s humid climate.
Historical & Cultural Value: The property includes on-site Roman and Phoenician artifacts, providing guests a rich cultural experience.
Flexible Zoning: With three separate door numbers and zoning options, Cité Privée offers versatile usage configurations, supporting residential or commercial reconfigurations.
Pedestrian-Only Street Access: Located on a private, pedestrian-only street, ensuring an exclusive, secure, and quiet environment.
Market Analysis
Malta’s real estate and tourism sectors are experiencing exceptional growth, driven by:
Strong Price Appreciation: Property values have surged by up to 400% since 2017, with continued growth expected.
Increasing Influx of High-Net-Worth Individuals: Malta’s attractive tax regime and EU citizenship pathway have drawn global investors, especially from the UK post-Non-Dom tax changes.
Luxury Tourism Demand: Rising interest in high-end accommodations and experiences, with limited supply in Malta’s luxury segment.
Shift to a Luxury Destination: Once known as a budget location, Malta has repositioned itself as a luxury hotspot, drawing international attention and investment.
English-Language Accessibility: Malta’s official language makes it particularly appealing to American and British investors.
Diverse Economic Drivers: Malta’s economy benefits from sectors like online gaming, film production, and tech startups, fueling property demand and economic stability.
Investment Options
Cité Privée offers tailored investment structures to suit diverse investor profiles:
Full Acquisition: Investors can opt for a complete buyout, with turnkey management solutions available for hands-off ownership.
Partial Investment: A 30% stake is available for €2 million, appealing to investors seeking partnership opportunities.
Expansion Potential: Opportunities to expand into nearby villas, allowing for a luxury village concept with restoration and resale potential.
Residential Conversion Option: Flexible zoning allows for residential use, which may qualify investors for Malta’s citizenship-by-investment program.
Revenue Projections
Cité Privée’s potential for revenue is strong in both hotel and residential configurations:
Hotel Operation:
• Projected Occupancy Rate: 80%
• Average Daily Rate (ADR) for Top Suites: €3,000
• Estimated Annual Profit: €1.5 million
• Ancillary Revenue: Additional income from partnerships and exclusive luxury experiences, such as high-end yoga and bespoke treatments.
Residential Conversion:
• High-end long-term rental or sale options, appealing to individuals seeking EU residency.
• Comparable properties have shown up to 400% value appreciation since 2017.
Unique Value Propositions
Invitation-Only Model: An exclusive, invitation-only operational approach in the first year enhances the property’s prestige.
EU Citizenship Pathway: The potential for EU citizenship through property investment is especially attractive to non-EU investors.
Curated Luxury Experiences: Collaborations with local luxury service providers enable exclusive experiences, from Michelin-starred dining to private clubs.
Historical Immersion: On-site artifacts and Malta’s rich heritage offer guests an immersive cultural experience.
Accessible Luxury: Positioned as a “poor man’s Monaco,” offering similar prestige at a more accessible price point.
Development and Management Expertise
Cité Privée benefits from a team with unparalleled expertise in high-end property development and luxury hospitality:
Local Knowledge: Seven years of on-the-ground experience in Malta has fostered a deep understanding of local regulations and culture.
Luxury Restoration Experience: The team’s background includes sourcing skilled labor from Europe and restoring high-end properties with Swiss precision.
Hospitality Excellence: With 13 years of experience at Aman Resorts, the team ensures a world-class standard of service and exclusivity.
Established Network: Cité Privée has developed strategic partnerships with legal, cultural, and luxury service providers in Malta.
Cité Privée stands as a rare investment opportunity at the intersection of history, luxury, and financial growth in Malta’s real estate market. Its unique blend of cultural heritage, high-end amenities, and strategic location near the super yacht marina positions it as a prime asset in Malta’s luxury transformation. For investors seeking both robust financial returns and an exceptional lifestyle in the Mediterranean, Cité Privée offers a one-of-a-kind proposition. Be a part of Malta’s renaissance as a global luxury destination with this unparalleled property.


  • Nutzungsart
  • Objektart
  • Hauptobjektart
  • Vertragsart
  • Baujahr
  • Zimmer (gesamt)
  • Anzahl Schlafzimmer
  • Anzahl Badezimmer
  • Anzahl separate WC
  • Wohnfläche (ca.)
    700 m²
  • Anbieter-Objektnummer

Preise & Kosten

  • Courtage
    Keine besondere Angabe.


  • Sauna
  • Klimanalage
  • Swimmingpool
  • Kabelanschluss
  • Alarmanlage

Standort & Lage

VGMC+9HR Cospicua Malta · Cospicua · MLT


Wachdienst, Speisesaal, Gäste-Suiten, Außenschwimmbad, Whirlpool, Dampfraum, Weinkeller, Portier, Doorman, Valet-Parken



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Properstar SA

Rue Mercerie 12
1003 Lausanne
Tel.: +49 800 0010536
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