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Properstar SA

The Agency
  • Mehr erfahren 30541261

Haus zu kaufen in Redondo, Portugal

  • Haus
  • · 11 Zimmer
  • · 462 m² Wohnfläche
  • · 356.246 m² Grundstücksfläche
  • · 5.850.000 € Kaufpreis
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Come and visit this estate located in the municipality of Redondo, just 1.5 km from the village of Redondo, a characteristic Alentejo village of affable and hospitable people, with all the facilities and services.

The Estate has a total area of more ...mehr lesen
Come and visit this estate located in the municipality of Redondo, just 1.5 km from the village of Redondo, a characteristic Alentejo village of affable and hospitable people, with all the facilities and services.

The Estate has a total area of more than 35 ha, equivalent to more than 35 football fields.

This business area is developed in order to obtain a very high net income margin, with profit margins of more than 100% per year!! The success of this business area was so high that we have customers with reservations from one year to the next, without discussing stay values! Having here in this business, the Herdade das Castas Nobres, a great source of annual profitability.
Herdade das Castas Nobres, in its Agrotourism division, is on several online platforms, in all of them with scores that are pleasing to customers, with a score of 9.8 points, on a scale of 0 to 10 points!
In this business area, an expansion of facilities can be carried out, and the Herdade has about 0.5 ha free for this purpose, in which facilities can be built that are differentiating in the southern region of Portugal, that is, with the increase of 10 more bungalow-type accommodations in the form of wine barrels, with a swimming pool and dining area, making it a totally different type of Agro Tourism from the one existing in the south of the country and there a customer of great economic level can be captured.

In this agricultural area, more specifically the crop that has so much potential in Portugal, and essentially in the Alentejo region, the VINHA!
The vineyard is now very well treated, with a fertilization plan to be carried out from the first hour we started our work, with the same crop responding immediately with excellent productions, both in terms of quantity and quality, and is already a reference in the region. It should be noted that also at this level, we carried out a major reconversion operation, from irrigation systems, pruning, frames, as the existing sticks and wires were quite damaged, putting us several hundred on the ground and already properly repaired.
As for production, we can talk about a very significant increase in production, because in the last year of production we managed to reach the magnificent number of more than 450,000 kgs of grapes at Herdade das Castas Nobres, having an average of more than 16,000 kgs/ha, which for the region is a very high value, given that the production averages are below 5,000 kgs/ha. This increase is only due to the pruning system, good fertilization and good irrigation management.
The Herdade da Castas Nobres, has planted vines of grape varieties characteristic of the region and very good adaptation to the soils and climates of the region where it is located, as well as ARAGONES, ALICANTE BOUSCHET and CASTELÃO.
Any of them has a large production, due to the soils and climates, as well as the way of planting and treatment that are carried out daily.
The Aragonês variety has a planting area of about 14 ha, having the base variety for a possible transformation of grapes into wine, as it is the basis of a large part of wines in the Alentejo region, giving a unique flavor and characteristics.
The Alicante Bouschet grape variety has an area of about 13 ha, and it is a variety from France, but with great capacity and adaptation in the Alentejo region for many years, obtaining great productions and great quality having the ability to make great wines by itself, as it has unique characteristics.
With regard to the remaining grape variety, the Castelão variety, has an implantation area of about 5 ha. The Castelão grape variety is a variety with great capacity to accompany others in the blending of great wines, also having good grape productions.
The irrigation of the property is carried out through 6 artesian boreholes, which have enough water to feed the vineyard in its entirety, however, the Herdade das Castas Nobres has a large capacity pond, about 100m long, 50 meters wide, and about 30 meters deep, as well as a water reservoir that serves to store water from all existing boreholes, which are now functioning properly, which was also not the case when it was acquired by us. Its irrigation is carried out through a motor that is also in perfect working condition and is also reconditioned at the time of our purchase. In the hydraulic area of the property there is also a large capacity water tank.
Regarding the issue of water on the property, we can also inform that it is fed by a municipal meter, and there is a branch exclusively built for the property with the purpose of feeding the existing houses.
The Herdade das Castas Nobres also has a palace style house, where you can find a chapel built with stones from Brazil, such as hand-painted tiles from Greece, stained glass windows painted with motifs from Brazil, four bedrooms all of them with private bathroom, one with large bathroom with private jacuzzi, large indoor POOL and jacuzzi, operating at its full, solar energy throughout the property, a large lake surrounded by about 3,000 m2 of gardens, as well as a garage with capacity for about 6 cars, this villa being all fenced off from the rest of the property.
With regard to buildings, it also has two pavilions, one agricultural and the other for events or with the potential to install a winery with the capacity to process all the grapes produced annually and selling the final product, WINE, in retail form (bottled) or in the form of BULK to major players in the wine area.
All buildings are duly legalized by the competent authorities.
It should also be noted that the property is all fenced, with an electric gate and direct access to the national road by road with tarmac floor inside it, being about 300 m from the national road 254, which connects Redondo and Évora, being located just 15 min from Évora and access to the A6 motorway, being very easy to access to big cities, such as Lisbon (1h30) Badajoz/Spain, (30 min) etc.


  • Nutzungsart
  • Objektart
  • Hauptobjektart
  • Vertragsart
  • Zimmer (gesamt)
  • Anzahl Schlafzimmer
  • Anzahl Badezimmer
  • Wohnfläche (ca.)
    462 m²
  • Gesamtfläche (ca.)
    356.246 m²
  • Grundstücksfläche (ca.)
    356.246 m²
  • Anbieter-Objektnummer

Preise & Kosten

  • Courtage
    Keine besondere Angabe.

Standort & Lage

7170-107 Redondo · PRT

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Properstar SA

Rue Mercerie 12
1003 Lausanne
Tel.: +49 800 0010536
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