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Properstar SA

Playa Realtors
  • Mehr erfahren 30538157

Haus zu kaufen in Playa del Carmen, Mexico

  • Haus
  • · 1 Zimmer
  • · 589 m² Wohnfläche
  • · 2.483.325 € Kaufpreis
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Beachside Home & Huge Lot- Last Available- Exclusive PLAYACAR PHASE I Gated Community
Beachside Lot and Last Available Home of This Size in the Exclusive Gated Community of PLAYACAR PHASE IThis listing is for Lot 1 of MayanBreeze, the last ...mehr lesen
Beachside Home & Huge Lot- Last Available- Exclusive PLAYACAR PHASE I Gated Community
Beachside Lot and Last Available Home of This Size in the Exclusive Gated Community of PLAYACAR PHASE IThis listing is for Lot 1 of MayanBreeze, the last remaining lot in the Exclusive Gated Community Phase I of Playacar. Playacar is a gated community in downtown Playa del Carmen that consists of two phases: Playacar Phase 1 is the beachfront community and Playacar Phase 2 is the golf community. Both are exclusive and gated residential areas, within walking distance of 5th Avenue. Playa del Carmen and beaches.
What makes Playacar Phase 1 so special? It really is about the private neighborhood next to the beach. Add in some Mayan ruins and it makes it extra special. This is what makes Playacar Phase 1 so different from other areas. This is a gated community that is luxurious and has preserved many of the trees. It is tucked away at the southern end of Playa del Carmen between the end of the "city" and Phase 2 of Playacar. Compared to Phase 2, it is smaller and allows residents to live on the beach within a few blocks of it. The beachfront of Phase 2 is all dedicated to all-inclusive hotels.
Mayan Ruins in Playacar Phase 1What is really interesting are the ruins right in the middle of this colony. These are the best preserved and most interesting ruins among the ruins of Cancun and Xel-Ha, which are almost in Tulum. These ruins are open and anyone can walk. Perfect location near the beach and city servicesBordered by the beach this house has 589 m2 of construction on a lot of 1,476 m2, a beach corridor to the north reaching the center of Playa del Carmen, and more than 2 million houses to the south, you cannot find a better location to have your dream home or business in Playa del Carmen – Mexico.
Playacar Phase 1 is located no more than 10 minutes walk from the well-known 5th Avenue and the Cozumel Ferry, 3 from the Paseo del Carmen Shopping Center, and less than 1 minute from the beautiful turquoise waters of the Mexican Caribbean. This gated community has 24/7 security.A Solid Real Estate Investment in Mexico with Fantastic PotentialIf you are looking for the perfect location to build a successful vacation home or income-generating business, this property has a great advantage with very little risk. Based on the history of neighboring homes, you should enjoy a very good income stream and witness a solid appreciation in the value of the property. International investors have turned their eyes to the Mexican Caribbean Sea in Playa del Carmen, especially Playacar Phase One, as opportunities in the north have become much scarcer. You can see the effects of this reversal everywhere you look. New businesses are opening, infrastructure is improving, and new projects are being started every week.
It's no secret that the Playacar Phase One community has proven to be the best location in Playa del Carmen to build a luxury home. Anyone lucky enough to acquire land here will be very blessed. Don't delay, this is the last available lot of this size in this coveted community. The house is in need of improvement, but imagine having the best home in Playa del Carmen with beachside ocean views in this exclusive gated community.
There is great potential in adding value by restoring this spacious property to create a wonderful coastal home in Playa del Carmen, just minutes from the town centre and the beach. With a comprehensive renovation and restoration project, this Mexican gem awaits to be returned to a glorious life with its original surviving characteristics, the core of its character that makes it so special.
"Welcome to the heart and soul of Playa del Carmen: Its diversity of amazing neighbors and lovely people."



  • Nutzungsart
  • Objektart
  • Hauptobjektart
  • Vertragsart
  • Zimmer (gesamt)
  • Anzahl Schlafzimmer
  • Anzahl Badezimmer
  • Wohnfläche (ca.)
    589 m²
  • Gesamtfläche (ca.)
    589 m²
  • Anbieter-Objektnummer

Preise & Kosten

  • Courtage
    Keine besondere Angabe.


  • Swimmingpool

Standort & Lage

725 Bahía del Espíritu Santo · 77713 Playa del Carmen · MEX



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Properstar SA

Rue Mercerie 12
1003 Lausanne
Tel.: +49 800 0010536
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