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Properstar SA

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Haus zu kaufen in Aveiras de Cima, Portugal

  • Haus
  • · 1 Zimmer
  • · 24.000 m² Wohnfläche
  • · 1.950.000 € Kaufpreis
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Farm in Aveiras de Cima, Azambuja - Exclusive Refuge in the Heart of Nature

We present a magnificent farm with 2.4 hectares of land, located in Aveiras de Cima, Azambuja, perfect for those looking for a refuge with the ideal balance between modern ...mehr lesen
Farm in Aveiras de Cima, Azambuja - Exclusive Refuge in the Heart of Nature

We present a magnificent farm with 2.4 hectares of land, located in Aveiras de Cima, Azambuja, perfect for those looking for a refuge with the ideal balance between modern comfort and rural tranquility. Set in a generous area, this property offers stunning views over a surrounding natural landscape, ensuring total privacy and exceptional quality of life.

Located just 40 minutes from Lisbon and 55 km from the capital, with excellent access via the A1 motorway, this property offers convenience and privacy in equal measure.

The villa is distributed as follows, with a central building, an annex and an accommodation area for guests:

Floor 0
- Entrance through a large hall, leading to 4 rooms (2 large living rooms and 2 dining rooms) and a fully equipped kitchen. This floor also includes an entertainment area with home cinema and a squash court, as well as a garage with capacity for 4 cars. Above the garage, a multipurpose space has been created that can be used as a nightclub or area for guest guests.

- Annex with a suite, a kitchen, barbecue and storage;

- Customised pool with a size of 15x7 with a rigid and electric cover (designed to be safe when closed). It also has a service bathroom and dining area.

Floor 1

- Bedroom area with a master suite with large bathroom with natural light, 1 closet and 4 bedrooms with shared bathrooms. We also have access to the attic in open space.

- attic in open space.

In addition to the residential area, we have a plot of land with a varied tree orchard, such as Olive / Orange / Limoeiro / Tangerineira / Apple / Persimmon. With a rich soil you can use a vast area for cultivation.

Comfort and Modernity: This Quinta includes several features that guarantee maximum comfort and efficiency:

- Access to the large and tarmac house;
- Double access to the part of agricultural land;
- Air conditioning in common areas, bedrooms and Home cinema;
- Thermal and acoustic insulation;
- Central heating throughout the house;
- Water hole with its own reservoir with a capacity of 3600 liters, making the house self-sufficient
- Automatic gates;
- Pre-installation for a fountain and for pool heating;
- Children's playground;
- Lots of lighting for better comfort;
- Pre-installation for heat pump;
- Among other characteristics to view in a face-to-face visit.

Habisale Reference: D3286

Don't miss this unique opportunity! For more information or to arrange a viewing, please contact us [Habisale Real Estate] AMI 2251

Habisale Real Estate - 26 years of experience in the real estate market.
'It feels good to get home.'

We are credit intermediaries duly authorized by the Bank of Portugal and we manage your entire financing process always with the best solutions on the market.
We guarantee pre and post-deed follow-up.
Energy Rating: B

Farm in Aveiras de Cima, Azambuja - Exclusive Refuge in the Heart of Nature

We present a magnificent farm with 2.4 hectares of land, located in Aveiras de Cima, Azambuja, perfect for those looking for a refuge with the ideal balance between modern comfort and rural tranquillity. Set in a generous area, this property offers stunning views over a surrounding natural landscape, ensuring total privacy and exceptional quality of life.

Located just 40 minutes from Lisbon and 55 km from the capital, with excellent access via the A1 motorway, this property offers convenience and privacy in equal measure.

The villa is distributed as follows, with a central building, an annex and an accommodation area for guests:

Floor 0
- Entrance through a large hall, leading to 4 rooms (2 large living rooms and 2 dining rooms) and a fully equipped kitchen. This floor also includes an entertainment area with home cinema and a squash court, as well as a garage with capacity for 4 cars. Above the garage, a multipurpose space has been created that can be used as a nightclub or area for guest guests.

- Annex with a suite, a kitchen, barbecue and storage;

- Customised pool with a size of 15x7 with a rigid and electric cover (designed to be safe when closed). It also has a service bathroom and dining area.

Floor 1

- Bedroom area with a master suite with large bathroom with natural light, 1 closet and 4 bedrooms with shared bathrooms. We also have access to the attic in open space.

In addition to the residential area, we have a plot of land with a varied tree orchard such as Olive / Orange / Limoeiro / Tangerineira / Apple / Persimmon. With a rich soil you can use a vast area for cultivation.

Comfort and Modernity: This Quinta includes several features that guarantee maximum comfort and efficiency:

- Wide tarmac access to housing;
- Double access for agricultural land machinery;
- Air conditioning in common areas, bedrooms and Home cinema;
- Thermal and acoustic insulation;
- Central heating throughout the house;
- Water hole with its own reservoir with a capacity of 3600 litres, making the house self-sufficient
- Automatic gates;
- Pre-installation for a fountain and for pool heating;
- Children's playground;
- Among other characteristics to view in a face-to-face visit.

Habisale Reference: D3286

Don't miss this unique opportunity! For more information or to arrange a viewing, please contact us [Habisale Real Estate] AMI 2251

Habisale Real Estate - 26 years of experience in the real estate market.
'It feels good to get home.'

We are credit intermediaries duly authorised by the Bank of Portugal and we manage your entire financing process always with the best solutions on the market.
We guarantee pre and post-deed follow-up.
Energy Rating: B


  • Nutzungsart
  • Objektart
  • Hauptobjektart
  • Vertragsart
  • Zimmer (gesamt)
  • Wohnfläche (ca.)
    24.000 m²
  • Anbieter-Objektnummer

Preise & Kosten

  • Courtage
    Keine besondere Angabe.


  • Energieeffizienzklasse

Standort & Lage

Aveiras de Cima · PRT

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Properstar SA

Rue Mercerie 12
1003 Lausanne
Tel.: +49 800 0010536
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