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Properstar SA

Remax Valor
  • Mehr erfahren 30533545

Gebäude zu kaufen in Lisbon, Portugal

  • Zinshaus/Renditeobjekt
  • · 311 m² Wohnfläche
  • · 155 m² Grundstücksfläche
  • · 1.650.000 € Kaufpreis
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Located in the heart of Lisbon, in the Bairro Alto/Chiado area, this historic 18th-century building is a unique and impressive property. With 426m² of private gross area, the building consists of two autonomous fractions: a T3+1 with 315m² ...mehr lesen
Located in the heart of Lisbon, in the Bairro Alto/Chiado area, this historic 18th-century building is a unique and impressive property. With 426m² of private gross area, the building consists of two autonomous fractions: a T3+1 with 315m² and another T3 with 111m².
The main fraction is located on the first floor and has two floors, in a spacious T3+1 with 315m². On the first floor, we find an elegant entrance hall, which leads to a hallway leading to three bedrooms, including a generous suite with a cozy wood burning stove and a full bathroom serving the other bedrooms... On that same floor, there is a master kitchen complete with pantry and bathroom, as well as a charming 11m² outdoor patio. The kitchen provides access to a lower floor with a window, where we find a laundry room, a storage room and a wine cellar...
On the second floor, we are greeted by a living room of about 80m², separated by a wall highlighting a floor fireplace. In addition, there is a dining room, an internal service hallway, a guest bathroom and a support kitchen.
The other autonomous fraction, a T3 with 111m², is located on the ground floor and has independent access. Consisting of an entrance/living room, a storage room, a corridor that gives access to three bedrooms, a bathroom and a kitchen, this fraction offers convenience and privacy to its residents.
This historic building benefits from easy parking, being close to the Emel park, in Calçada do Combro. Its privileged location and unique characteristics make it an attractive investment in one of the most valued areas of the city. Located in the epicenter of tourism, it is easily accessible on foot to all types of public transport in Lisbon, as well as a wide variety of restaurants, services and shops in Bairro Alto, Chiado and Cais do Sodré. The airport is only a 20-minute drive away.
In summary, this historic eighteenth-century building, with its two autonomous fractions, stands out in the real estate market for its generous area, excellent location and potential for appreciation. It is a unique investment opportunity in Lisbon, a vibrant and charming city.
Located in the heart of Lisbon, in the Bairro Alto/Chiado area, this historic 18th-century building is a unique and impressive property. With a total private gross area of 426m², the building consists of two separate units: a 3+1 bedrooms with 315m² and another 3 bedrooms with 111m².
The main unit is situated on the first floor and spans two levels, featuring a spacious 3+1 bedrooms with 315m². On the first level, there is an elegant entrance hall leading to a corridor accessing three bedrooms, including a generous suite with a cozy fireplace and a complete bathroom serving the other bedrooms. On the same level, there is a fully equipped main kitchen with a pantry and bathroom, as well as a charming 11m² outdoor patio. The kitchen provides access to a lower level with a window, where a laundry room, storage room, and wine cellar can be found.
On the second level, you are welcomed by a living room of approximately 80m², separated by a wall with a notable floor fireplace. Additionally, there is a dining room, a service corridor, a guest bathroom, and a utility kitchen.
The other separate unit, a 3 bedrooms with 111m², is located on the ground floor and has independent access. It comprises an entrance/living room, a storage room, a corridor leading to three bedrooms, a bathroom, and a kitchen, providing convenience and privacy to its residents.
This historic building benefits from easy parking, being close to the Emel park on Calçada do Combro. Its privileged location and unique features make it an attractive investment in one of the most valued areas of the city. Situated at the epicenter of tourism, it is easily accessible by foot to all types of public transportation in Lisbon, as well as a wide variety of restaurants, services, and commerce in Bairro Alto, Chiado, and Cais do Sodré. The airport is just a 20-minute drive away.
In summary, this 18th-century historic building, with its two separate units, stands out in the real estate market due to its generous area, excellent location, and potential for appreciation. It is a unique investment opportunity in Lisbon, a vibrant and charming city.


  • Nutzungsart
  • Objektart
  • Hauptobjektart
  • Vertragsart
  • Anzahl Schlafzimmer
  • Anzahl Badezimmer
  • Wohnfläche (ca.)
    311 m²
  • Grundstücksfläche (ca.)
    155 m²
  • Anbieter-Objektnummer

Preise & Kosten

  • Courtage
    Keine besondere Angabe.


  • Energieeffizienzklasse

Standort & Lage

1200 Lisboa, Mercês · PRT

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Properstar SA

Rue Mercerie 12
1003 Lausanne
Tel.: +49 800 0010536
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