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The Agency Costa Blanca North

Alistair Barton
  • Mehr erfahren 30532309

Alfas del Pi - Villa - 615000€ - TAN7665

  • Haus
  • · 227 m² Wohnfläche
  • · 393 m² Grundstücksfläche
  • · 760.000 € Kaufpreis
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3 bedroom - 2 bathroom - Build 227 m2 - Plot 393 m2

New Build private urbanization of 12 villas with their own swimming pool and garden, located in one of the most exclusive areas of the Costa Blanca, Alfaz del Pí.

New ...mehr lesen
3 bedroom - 2 bathroom - Build 227 m2 - Plot 393 m2

New Build private urbanization of 12 villas with their own swimming pool and garden, located in one of the most exclusive areas of the Costa Blanca, Alfaz del Pí.

New Build exclusive development that offers you a unique, familiar and natural environment in a privileged area close to all the necessary services to offer you tranquility and wellbeing.
The unique design of its wooden structure, with straight, Mediterranean lines, gives it the warmth and harmony needed to make you feel part of nature while optimizing resources, making the villas more sustainable and efficient spaces.

One of our guidelines when creating our development was the integration of our villas in nature, taking into account the surrounding green area, with the intention of increasing your quality of life and maximizing the positive influence on it.

Houses designed taking into account the smallest details, its wooden shell, its bioclimatic pergola, the solar panel system and the efficient and stylish mallorquinas offer you the most exclusive option for sustainable housing.

Open spaces full of light, great amplitude and no visual barriers, providing a sensation of infinite space. Large windows with direct access to the pool and garden area. The spacious living room with open kitchen makes it the ideal place to share with family and friends.

High-quality kitchen units with porcelain worktops and highly energy-efficient appliances.

Designed with the aim of providing the maximum harmony and balance necessary for a perfect recovery of both body and mind. With large floor-to-ceiling windows, the master bedroom has direct access to the swimming pool and garden area, which provide the extra comfort and relaxation so necessary for good rest.

The bedrooms on the upper floor of the villa have been designed to maximize the astonishing views of the Mediterranean Sea and the beautiful Sierra Helada.

Designed to create refuge spaces. The natural and warm tones are
the protagonists, providing a sense of purity in the environment,
optimising moments of enjoyment and relaxation and disconnection from the outside world. The Italian shower, the taps with water consumption reduction system, the furniture with built-in washbasins and the suspended sanitaryware make up a functional space positioning us at the forefront of the sector.

Unique and innovative project based on minimum environmental
impact promoting lower CO2 emissions in its construction, minimum energy consumption and a more sustainable and efficient use of resources.
Project takes an important step towards environmental awareness. The wood used in the whole shell of our villas comes from forests whose logging is authorized and ensures reforestation, sustainability and protection of biodiversity. The use of this material in the construction of your new home brings with it a series of advantages that have a direct impact on both your wellbeing and the construction quality.

Our homes are highly energy efficient, offering greater thermal and
acoustic insulation, while maintaining the quality of the air inside the house and providing ideal natural lighting. The materials used in their construction are of high quality, durable and resistant to fire and humidity.

Homes development is located in the well-known Scandinavia area of Alfáz del Pi. Just a few kilometers away lies the beach of Albir, where its crystal clear waters and the Sierra Helada with endless routes and activities makes it considered one of the best areas of the Costa Blanca.
Very close to the Villas the urban center of Alfaz del Pí is situated, which meets all the necessary requirements for your new home, such as the extraordinary climate, with more than 300 days of sunshine a year, its gastronomic offer, the quality of its services and the magnificent relationship with the environment.
There are also two prestigious Norwegian Schools as well as a Scandinavian club that already exists for half a century.


  • Nutzungsart
  • Objektart
  • Hauptobjektart
  • Vertragsart
  • Anzahl Schlafzimmer
  • Anzahl Badezimmer
  • Wohnfläche (ca.)
    227 m²
  • Grundstücksfläche (ca.)
    393 m²
  • Anbieter-Objektnummer

Preise & Kosten

  • Courtage
    Keine besondere Angabe.


  • Swimmingpool
Private Pool,Garden,Gated,Views: Sea,Near Schools,Near Commercial Center,Location: Coastal,Number of Parking Spaces: 1,Air Conditioning: Pre-Installed,Double Bedrooms: 3,WC: 1,Terrace: 29 Msq.,Useable Build Space: 161 Msq.,Beach: 5000 Meters

Standort & Lage

Alfas del Pi · Costa Blanca · ESP

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An The Agency Costa Blanca North, Ctra. Moraira-Calpe 142, 03724 Moraira, +34 62 288 2289,

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Alistair Barton

Ctra. Moraira-Calpe 142
03724 Moraira
Tel.: +34 62 288 2289
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