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The Agency Costa Blanca North

Alistair Barton
  • Mehr erfahren 30532197

Finestrat - Villa - 659000€ - TAN7646

  • Haus
  • · 285 m² Wohnfläche
  • · 348 m² Grundstücksfläche
  • · 659.000 € Kaufpreis
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3 bedroom - 3 bathroom - Build 285 m2 - Plot 348 m2

New Build residential of 22 villas located in Finestrat.

Wake up each morning contemplating the views of the sea and the green hills of the golf course beside it. Enjoy ...mehr lesen
3 bedroom - 3 bathroom - Build 285 m2 - Plot 348 m2

New Build residential of 22 villas located in Finestrat.

Wake up each morning contemplating the views of the sea and the green hills of the golf course beside it. Enjoy the natural light provided by its large windows and its excellent orientation (south facing long façade).

Modern villas has 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, open-plan kitchen with spacious living room, fitted wardrobes, terrace, solarium, private garden with the swimming pool and parking space.
The villas has a basement and the sunken courtyard have lots of advantages, such as the extra space that can be used for recreational activities or for storage. The natural light and the ventilation provided by the sunken courtyard improves the air quality and it adds value to the property. You can turn this area into the home cinema room, game room, personal gym, wine cellar, office... or whatever you can imagine. This extra space in particularly useful for anyone who is looking for a house that adapts to their The sunken courtyard, which is fully changing needs.

Your customised home
Villas based on the idea of providing you with a home tailored to your needs, which is why each house can be customised 100%. Our team of architects and interior designers will create each space to your liking to make your dreams come true.

Modify the interior layout of the house (within the permitted building options).
Add equipment to your walk-in wardrobes and increase the storage capacity and order.
Round off your garden equipment to suit your needs the best (swimming pool and exterior finishes).
Choose among different types of atmospheres and finishes according to your tastes.

Finestrat is a dream destination!
This land is surrounded by the sea, right under the majestic silhouette of the Puig Campana Mountain, next to the charming historical district. It is the perfect destination for those who are looking for a relaxed place to live without having to give up the comforts of having all the services at hand.

Finestrat has numerous transportation alternatives to move around freely.
The lines 14, 15 and 16 are available to travel between Finestrat, Benidorm and Villajoyosa.
On the line that connects Alicante to Benidorm you will find the La Marina – Finestrat shopping centre stop and it will take you to the centre of Alicante in just 1 hour.
El Altet Airport (40 min):
This airport is 40 minutes away from Finestrat and there are flights to the United Kingdom, Belgium, Holland, Milan, Zurich among many other destinations and countless airlines to fly with.

In Finestrat you will be surrounded by theme parks, where you can enjoy the best leisure activities at your fingertips. Where children and adults alike will learn about the environment, nature and history through adventure.
Terra Mitica (10 min):
Terra Natura (10 min)
Acuanatura (10 min):

The warm climate of the Levante allows you to enjoy nature and outdoor sports most of the year. The natural landscapes and sports facilities available in Finestrat open up a wide range of possibilities to enjoy the surroundings.
Puig Campana Golf (1min):
One of the newest and best equipped sports facilities in the area. Its 9 holes will allow you to exercise and enjoy the best sporting environment in its many tournaments.
Puig Campana Natural Park (10 min):
Hiking from Font del Molí along the vertical kilometre to the geodesic vertex of Puig Campana is an unforgettable experience.


  • Nutzungsart
  • Objektart
  • Hauptobjektart
  • Vertragsart
  • Anzahl Schlafzimmer
  • Anzahl Badezimmer
  • Wohnfläche (ca.)
    285 m²
  • Grundstücksfläche (ca.)
    348 m²
  • Anbieter-Objektnummer

Preise & Kosten

  • Courtage
    Keine besondere Angabe.


  • Swimmingpool
Private Pool,Garden,Gated,Solarium: Yes,Views: Sea,Near Schools,Near Commercial Center,Location: Coastal,Under-Build / Basement,Number of Parking Spaces: 1,Air Conditioning: Pre-Installed,Double Bedrooms: 3,Near Golf / Golf Resort Property,Useable ...mehr lesen
Private Pool,Garden,Gated,Solarium: Yes,Views: Sea,Near Schools,Near Commercial Center,Location: Coastal,Under-Build / Basement,Number of Parking Spaces: 1,Air Conditioning: Pre-Installed,Double Bedrooms: 3,Near Golf / Golf Resort Property,Useable Build Space: 190 Msq.,Beach: 5000 Meters,Terrace: 55 Msq.

Standort & Lage

Finestrat · Costa Blanca · ESP

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An The Agency Costa Blanca North, Ctra. Moraira-Calpe 142, 03724 Moraira, +34 62 288 2289,

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Alistair Barton

Ctra. Moraira-Calpe 142
03724 Moraira
Tel.: +34 62 288 2289
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