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Properstar SA

Mcunha | Luxury Real Estate
  • Mehr erfahren 30529339

Wohnungen zu kaufen

  • Wohnung
  • · 1 Zimmer
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New development
Apartments for sale
  • 53 units
  • 1 to 4 bedrooms
  • 77.91 to 556.39 m²
  • 3 floors
  • Under construction

Lumare was designed to incorporate all the luxuries of seaside living. Created with a deep appreciation for the ...mehr lesen
New development
Apartments for sale
  • 53 units
  • 1 to 4 bedrooms
  • 77.91 to 556.39 m²
  • 3 floors
  • Under construction

Lumare was designed to incorporate all the luxuries of seaside living. Created with a deep appreciation for the coastal environment, the architectural narrative develops with an intentional integration of natural light. Here, glass facades harmoniously unite the elegant interiors with the stunning exterior panorama. The sea takes on a central role, shaping not only the landscape but also the concept of this coastal retreat.
The development is characterized by its brightness, promising a space filled with natural light, where the radiance illuminates every corner, and where natural materials bring you closer to nature. Lumare incorporates innovation with a design that exudes sophistication and elegance.
Discover the new definition of luxury, as light and sea converge in harmony near a serene nature reserve.  Lumare is defined by the finest quality materials and the  high-end amenities, bringing an unparalleled level of distinction to the development. Immerse yourself in a lifestyle where every detail is meticulously crafted to enhance your living experience.
Vilamoura is a prestigious destination, renowned for its refinement and quality of life, located only 30 min. from Faro Airport. With an award-winning marina, world-class golf courses, stunning beaches, and a wide range of restaurants and entertainment, Vilamoura combines coastal charm with modern sophistication. Ideal for those seeking a life of luxury, security, and comfort, this region offers an unparalleled experience.
At the heart of Vilamoura lies its newly expanded international Marina, a vibrant cosmopolitan atmosphere, and a plethora of water sports. The town presents a rich tapestry of restaurants, and a variety of activities for families, from water parks to boat tours. Sport enthusiasts particularly enjoy the five championship golf courses, tennis and padel courts and the internationally renowned equestrian center. For those who seek tranquility, Vilamoura offers extensive wellness and spa facilities, a peaceful nature reserve, and breathtaking beaches.
With 20 years of international experience, João Vieira has been involved in various projects across Europe, North America, and South America. He has lived and worked as an architect in cities such as New York, Copenhagen, Oslo, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, São Paulo, and Lisbon. The architect graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at Universidade Lusíada do Porto and was a professor at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design in 2007. Studio JV is a Portuguese-Brazilian architecture firm led by João Vieira, with a team of 50 architects distributed across three offices in Lisbon, Recife, and Rotterdam, with over 150 projects in development. They emphasize quality design that harmonizes with its surroundings, as well as sustainability, to create resilient structures that endure over time. Sustainability is a fundamental commitment of Studio JV, requiring a comprehensive project sensitivity from structure to finishes, incorporating innovative and technological solutions in all projects.

Payment terms
Down Payment - CPCV Subscription - 10%
Reinforcement - Beginning of Work - 10%
Reinforcement - Concrete Structure Completion - 15%
Reinforcement - Total Placement of Frames - 15%
Final - Deed - 50%

For sale (Selling)
Ownership: Condo
  • A • EUR 1,350,000
    House • 3 Bed. • 3 Bath. • 266.39m² • Ground floor
  • C • EUR 970,000
    House • 2 Bed. • 2 Bath. • 197.05m² • Ground floor
  • D • EUR 600,000
    House • 1 Bed. • 1 Bath. • 124.29m² • Ground floor
  • E • EUR 990,000
    House • 2 Bed. • 2 Bath. • 194.24m² • Ground floor
  • F • EUR 550,000
    House • 1 Bed. • 1 Bath. • 129.18m² • Ground floor
  • G • EUR 1,350,000
    House • 3 Bed. • 3 Bath. • 255.62m² • Ground floor
  • H • EUR 1,350,000
    House • 3 Bed. • 3 Bath. • 250.01m² • Ground floor
  • I • EUR 540,000
    House • 1 Bed. • 1 Bath. • 168.4m² • Ground floor
  • J • EUR 940,000
    House • 2 Bed. • 2 Bath. • 211.09m² • Ground floor
  • K • EUR 935,000
    House • 2 Bed. • 2 Bath. • 188.26m² • Ground floor
  • L • EUR 1,070,000
    House • 2 Bed. • 2 Bath. • 221.59m² • Ground floor
  • M • EUR 590,000
    House • 1 Bed. • 1 Bath. • 115.63m² • Ground floor
  • P • EUR 1,350,000
    House • 3 Bed. • 3 Bath. • 261.26m² • Ground floor
  • Q • EUR 1,350,000
    House • 3 Bed. • 3 Bath. • 203.16m² • 1 floor
  • R • EUR 575,000
    House • 1 Bed. • 1 Bath. • 85.2m² • 1 floor
  • S • EUR 905,000
    House • 2 Bed. • 2 Bath. • 135.43m² • 1 floor
  • S • EUR 555,000
    House • 1 Bed. • 1 Bath. • 80.4m² • 1 floor
  • U • EUR 1,000,000
    House • 2 Bed. • 2 Bath. • 154.78m² • 1 floor
  • LL • EUR 935,000
    House • 2 Bed. • 2 Bath. • 125.83m² • 2 floor
  • MM • EUR 575,000
    House • 1 Bed. • 1 Bath. • 78.4m² • 1 floor
  • NN • EUR 1,030,000
    House • 2 Bed. • 2 Bath. • 157.9m² • 1 floor
  • V • EUR 975,000
    House • 2 Bed. • 2 Bath. • 166.3m² • 1 floor
  • W • EUR 515,000
    House • 1 Bed. • 1 Bath. • 81.11m² • 1 floor
  • X • EUR 915,000
    House • 2 Bed. • 2 Bath. • 128.68m² • 1 floor
  • Y • EUR 500,000
    House • 1 Bed. • 1 Bath. • 77.91m² • 1 floor
  • Z • EUR 1,350,000
    House • 3 Bed. • 3 Bath. • 202.66m² • 1 floor
  • OO • EUR 1,010,000
    House • 2 Bed. • 2 Bath. • 156.48m² • 2 floor
  • PP • EUR 530,000
    House • 1 Bed. • 1 Bath. • 77.21m² • 2 floor
  • RR • EUR 550,000
    House • 1 Bed. • 1 Bath. • 84.24m² • 2 floor
  • AA • EUR 1,350,000
    House • 3 Bed. • 3 Bath. • 202.58m² • 1 floor
  • BB • EUR 490,000
    House • 1 Bed. • 1 Bath. • 77.78m² • 1 floor
  • CC • EUR 895,000
    House • 1 Bed. • 1 Bath. • 130.4m² • 1 floor
  • DD • EUR 925,000
    House • 2 Bed. • 2 Bath. • 155.22m² • 1 floor
  • TT • EUR 1,000,000
    House • 2 Bed. • 2 Bath. • 154.78m² • 2 floor
  • UU • EUR 540,000
    House • 1 Bed. • 1 Bath. • 84.28m² • 2 floor
  • VV • EUR 925,000
    House • 2 Bed. • 2 Bath. • 139.07m² • 2 floor
  • WW • EUR 960,000
    House • 2 Bed. • 2 Bath. • 145.01m² • 2 floor
  • EE • EUR 1,000,000
    House • 2 Bed. • 2 Bath. • 159.96m² • 1 floor
  • FF • EUR 550,000
    House • 1 Bed. • 1 Bath. • 85.91m² • 1 floor
  • GG • EUR 910,000
    House • 2 Bed. • 2 Bath. • 135.64m² • 1 floor
  • HH • EUR 550,000
    House • 1 Bed. • 1 Bath. • 85.09m² • 1 floor
  • II • EUR 1,350,000
    House • 3 Bed. • 3 Bath. • 203.08m² • 1 floor
  • YY • EUR 560,000
    House • 1 Bed. • 1 Bath. • 78.62m² • 2 floor
  • ZZ • EUR 935,000
    House • 2 Bed. • 2 Bath. • 126m² • 2 floor
  • AAA • EUR 590,000
    House • 1 Bed. • 1 Bath. • 82.97m² • 2 floor
  • AAA • EUR 590,000
    House • 1 Bed. • 1 Bath. • 82.97m² • 2 floor
  • BBB • EUR 1,400,000
    House • 3 Bed. • 3 Bath. • 203.42m² • 2 floor
  • CCC • EUR 2,850,000
    House • 4 Bed. • 4 Bath. • 556.19m² • 3 floor
  • EEE • EUR 2,200,000
    House • 3 Bed. • 3 Bath. • 371.98m² • 3 floor
  • FFF • EUR 2,300,000
    House • 3 Bed. • 3 Bath. • 391.1m² • 3 floor
  • GGG • EUR 2,250,000
    House • 3 Bed. • 3 Bath. • 411.38m² • 3 floor
  • HHH • EUR 2,050,000
    House • 3 Bed. • 3 Bath. • 397.54m² • 3 floor
  • JJJ • EUR 2,850,000
    House • 4 Bed. • 4 Bath. • 556.39m² • 3 floor

Behind Lumare
  • Official website


  • Nutzungsart
  • Objektart
  • Hauptobjektart
  • Vertragsart
  • Baujahr
  • Zimmer (gesamt)
  • Anbieter-Objektnummer

Preise & Kosten

  • Courtage
    Keine besondere Angabe.

Standort & Lage

Vilamoura · Quarteira · PRT



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Properstar SA

Rue Mercerie 12
1003 Lausanne
Tel.: +49 800 0010536
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