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Properstar SA

Dmanán Corporación
  • Mehr erfahren 30527729

Häuser zu kaufen

  • Haus
  • · 1 Zimmer
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New development
Houses for sale
  • 19 units
  • 2 to 4 bedrooms
  • 255.2 to 353 m²
  • Preconstruction
  • Fourth quarter 2024

As Camélias, Urban Paradise em Foco 293 – 337, is a beautiful, private, modern, exclusive and sustainable residential complex consisting ...mehr lesen
New development
Houses for sale
  • 19 units
  • 2 to 4 bedrooms
  • 255.2 to 353 m²
  • Preconstruction
  • Fourth quarter 2024

As Camélias, Urban Paradise em Foco 293 – 337, is a beautiful, private, modern, exclusive and sustainable residential complex consisting of a total of 20 single-family houses surrounded by large green spaces in the heart of the city of Porto.
17 of the single-family homes are newly built, while the other 3 are the result of the rehabilitation of a historic house located on the same plot, which exudes the same English beauty, delicate and imposing as in 1936.
Most of the homes have an average of 4 floors with elevator, bedrooms with dressing room and full bathroom, fully equipped kitchen, access to a private garden, garage spaces and endless amenities in an exclusive, safe and unique environment.
The As Camèlias homes are located in a privileged environment of the city of Porto, in a residential area that is characterized by having a safe, family-friendly, urban environment and with numerous services that you can enjoy.
This development is being evaluated by Breeam, the most rigorous sustainable construction certificate in the world, so you will not only invest in a new home, you will invest in health, savings and respect for the environment.
As Camélias, Urban Paradise in Focus 293 – 337, is a project designed with the quality and guarantee of the well-known architecture studio Ooda; A Portuguese studio founded in 2010, with a team of more than 50 people and awarded on several occasions for the uniqueness of its work.

THE MODULES This architectural project consists of the construction of 20 single-family homes in 4 modules and of 4 types, A, B, C and D. The single-family homes of types A, B and C are a total of 17 houses with similar characteristics between them. The type D homes are 3 wonderful homes, the result of the rehabilitation of the historic house that preserves this residential. A SUSTAINABLE RESORT
This development is being evaluated by the most rigorous sustainable construction certificate in the world, so you will not only invest in a new home, you will invest in health, savings and respect for the environment. Breeam is the method for assessing and certifying sustainability in construction. The acronym of this certifier stands for Building Research Establishment Assessment Methodology and is defined as "the judges of sustainability". The label was created in 1990 in the United Kingdom. Currently, Breeam accredits more than 541,000 certified buildings in 77 countries. If we achieve the certification, our urbanization will be the only one certified in the entire north of Portugal. EXTERIOR FINISHES
If the environment is the strength of these homes, we could not tiptoe around when designing the windows. We seek maximum openness both in the living room and in the bedrooms, make the windows as large as possible and enjoy the surroundings. To ensure that the windows do not cause a thermal imbalance, each home has double glazing and low-emissivity acoustic glass, thermal control and high transmission of natural light. The window frames are made of aluminium with a natural anodised finish and have profiles with thermal break, with a high insulating capacity, which is a safe bet for energy savings. Depending on the housing model you choose, you will have mechanized blinds or "Venetian" wooden counters to preserve the classic design of the old renovated house. Expansive views
Acoustic control
Temperature control INTERIOR FINISHES
For the interior of each home we opt for materials and resources that we believe will be to your liking: Access door to the house, equipped with locks and security hinges lacquered in white.
Interior doors with solid wood edge and lacquered in white.
Wardrobes with lacquered opening doors, melamine finish interiors, drawers and aluminium hanger rail. Magnetic opening and closing system.
Lacquered metal skirting board only in rooms such as garages, laundry room or corridors, depending on the model and design of the house. Water-repellent MDF skirting board in the homes of the rehabilitated construction.
The floors of the houses are made of multilayer wood with American oak cladding and a super matte finish.
The wet rooms will be tiled with high-quality porcelain stoneware, and the floors will be fitted with non-slip porcelain flooring, except in the bathrooms of the master bedroom where compact marble will be laid. KITCHEN
Kitchens have become one of the most recurrent and busy spaces in homes. Nowadays they are no longer considered just a workplace, but have come to achieve maximum prominence and are positioned as the room in the house in which they live and share the most. We trust the best brands to build your kitchen. We work with those firms with a long professional career, specialists in furniture with a very careful design, resistant, ergonomic and functional. The kitchens will be fully furnished and equipped with the appliances you need; Induction hob, extractor hood, microwave, oven, dishwasher, fridge and freezer. We will also include a washer and dryer in the laundry room. Rooms to live together. BATHROOMS
We surround ourselves with top brands to deliver fully equipped bathrooms. It is said that the houses of Dmanán stand out for their innovative attitude, always in constant research and experimentation; for its ability to anticipate changes and the evolution of interior design, architecture and design, as well as for its concern for the environment and sustainability. Flooring, tiling, taps, top quality sanitary ware, integrated shower tray and other material selected by our team, stand out for their quality, aesthetics and performance. In addition to this material, so that the bathrooms are fully equipped, we will include the installation of the screen, mirror and, depending on the model of housing, under sink furniture. Complete, complete, don't you think? Quality
Payment terms
30% of the value of the home. 70% remaining to the deed

For sale (Selling)
Ownership: Condop
  • AA • EUR 1,410,000
    House • 4 Bed. • 5 Bath. • 454.55m²
  • AB • EUR 1,460,000
    House • 4 Bed. • 5 Bath. • 443.35m²
  • AC • EUR 1,395,000
    House • 4 Bed. • 5 Bath. • 443.61m²
  • AD • EUR 1,420,000
    House • 4 Bed. • 5 Bath. • 433.57m²
  • AE • EUR 1,460,000
    House • 4 Bed. • 5 Bath. • 445.73m²
  • AF • EUR 1,430,000
    House • 4 Bed. • 5 Bath. • 443.55m²
  • AG • EUR 1,365,000
    House • 4 Bed. • 5 Bath. • 443.52m²
  • BA • EUR 1,420,000
    House • 4 Bed. • 5 Bath. • 458.84m²
  • BB • EUR 1,490,000
    House • 4 Bed. • 5 Bath. • 464.75m²
  • BC • EUR 1,500,000
    House • 4 Bed. • 4 Bath. • 468.02m²
  • BD • EUR 1,400,000
    House • 4 Bed. • 5 Bath. • 464.14m²
  • BE • EUR 1,490,000
    House • 5 Bed. • 4 Bath. • 546.01m²
  • CA • EUR 1,500,000
    House • 5 Bed. • 4 Bath. • 479.59m²
  • CB • EUR 1,550,000
    House • 4 Bed. • 5 Bath. • 483.15m²
  • CC • EUR 1,560,000
    House • 4 Bed. • 5 Bath. • 483.76m²
  • CD • EUR 1,530,000
    House • 4 Bed. • 5 Bath. • 491.44m²
  • CE • EUR 1,450,000
    House • 4 Bed. • 5 Bath. • 498.29m²
  • DB • EUR 1,050,000
    House • 4 Bed. • 5 Bath. • 435.12m²
  • DC • EUR 800,000
    House • 2 Bed. • 2 Bath. • 320.92m²

Behind As Camélias, Urban paradise in Foco
  • Official website


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  • Zimmer (gesamt)
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Preise & Kosten

  • Courtage
    Keine besondere Angabe.

Standort & Lage

293 R. de Azevedo Coutinho · Porto · PRT


Dmanán Corporación


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Properstar SA

Rue Mercerie 12
1003 Lausanne
Tel.: +49 800 0010536
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