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Properstar SA

RE/MAX Siimgroup Miraflores
  • Mehr erfahren 30484513

Haus zu kaufen in Vila de Cascais, Portugal

  • Haus
  • · 1 Zimmer
  • · 524 m² Wohnfläche
  • · 2.326 m² Grundstücksfläche
  • · 5.375.000 € Kaufpreis
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Fantastic T7 villa in Birre
Unique and exclusive villa in one of the most emblematic and charming areas of the country, Cascais, with contemporary architecture, combining modern design with elegant elements, designed to live with the greatest comfort ...mehr lesen
Fantastic T7 villa in Birre
Unique and exclusive villa in one of the most emblematic and charming areas of the country, Cascais, with contemporary architecture, combining modern design with elegant elements, designed to live with the greatest comfort and privacy.
Located in Birre, a very quiet residential area, known for its high quality homes, with a privileged environment, 5 minutes from the center of Cascais, where there are multiple and varied social, cultural and sports activities, in addition to the diversity of commerce and services. Less than 10 minutes away we have several golf courses, tennis and paddle tennis clubs, gyms, horse riding, beaches, surfing, water sports, international and national schools, hospital, clinics and health centers. Estoril Casino is 5 km away. Quick access to the motorway, with Lisbon 20 minutes away by motorway or 30 minutes by train, 40 minutes from Lisbon International Airport and 15 minutes from Cascais Airport for private jets.
The house is located on a large plot of 2,326m², perfectly integrated towards the garden with very interesting landscaping arrangements that allow to create a private and pleasant environment and integrated with green barriers minimizing external noise. The façade and interior are visually stunning, creating a luxurious and sophisticated atmosphere. It is distributed over two floors, the 1st floor being the main area of the house, consisting of a large living room that leads directly to a large terrace and pool, the kitchen open to the living room fully equipped with high quality appliances, 5 suites with closet, one of which is a master suite and the other is a suite with direct access to the pool, office with IS and social IS.
On the ground floor, which is destined, par excellence, for family and friends, there is a large living room with a large glass door that leads to an outdoor terrace, giving great light to the room, a bar with a glass wall overlooking the pool, a cinema room, a place to have an excellent wine. hold and an IS . Also on this floor we have a suite, the laundry room with clothesline, a technical and home automation room, the garage for two/three vehicles with electric charging. Outside there is also a pergola to park more vehicles.
We highlight the technical and sustainable characteristics of this property, which is equipped with solar panels with a 500-litre accumulator assisted by heat pump, individually managed air conditioning, thermal and acoustic insulation. , oscillating electric frames, among other superior quality materials.
Modernity, comfort, exclusivity, privacy!
This property is currently in the finishing phase and is expected to be completed in early 2024. It is a complete and in-depth renovation, uniting the two houses that appear in the documentation into one, documentation that has not yet been updated accordingly.
Unique and exclusive villa in one of the most emblematic and charming areas of the country, Cascais, with contemporary architecture, combining modern design with elegant elements, designed to live with the greatest comfort and privacy.
Located in Birre, a very quiet residential area, known for its high quality houses, with a privileged environment, 5 minutes from the center of Cascais, where there are multiple and varied social activities, cultural and sports activities, as well as the diversity of shops and services. Less than 10 minutes away we have several golf courses, tennis and paddle tennis clubs, gyms, horse riding, beaches, surfing, water sports, international and national schools, hospital, clinics and health centers. Estoril Casino is 5 km away. Quick access to the motorway, with Lisbon 20 minutes away by motorway or 30 minutes by train, 40 minutes from Lisbon International Airport and 15 minutes from Cascais Airport for private jets.
The house is located on a large plot of 2,326m², perfectly integrated towards the garden with very interesting landscaping arrangements that allow the creation of a private and pleasant surrounding environment and integrated with green barriers, minimizing external noise. The façade and interior are visually stunning, creating a luxurious and sophisticated atmosphere. It is distributed over two floors, the 1st floor being the main area of the house, consisting of a large living room that leads directly to a large terrace and pool, the kitchen open to the living room fully equipped with high quality appliances, 6 suites with closet, including a master suite and another with direct access to the pool, an office with SI and a social IS.
On the ground floor, designed for family and friends, there is a large living room. with a large glass door that leads to an outdoor terrace, giving great light to the room, a bar with a glass wall for the indoor pool, a cinema room, a place for an excellent wine cellar and an IS. Still on this floor we have a suite, the laundry room with clothesline, a technical and home automation room, the garage for two/three vehicles with electric charging. Outside there is also a pergola to park more vehicles.
We highlight the technical and sustainable characteristics of this property, which is equipped with solar panels with a 500-litre accumulator assisted by a heat pump, individually managed air conditioning, thermal and acoustic insulation, tilt-and-turn electric carpentry, among other top quality materials.
Modernity, comfort, exclusivity, privacy!
This property is currently under completion and is expected to be completed in early 2024. It is a complete and profound reform, transforming the two houses that appear in the documentation into one. This documentation has not yet been updated accordingly.


  • Nutzungsart
  • Objektart
  • Hauptobjektart
  • Vertragsart
  • Objektzustand
  • Zimmer (gesamt)
  • Anzahl Schlafzimmer
  • Anzahl Badezimmer
  • Wohnfläche (ca.)
    524 m²
  • Grundstücksfläche (ca.)
    2.326 m²
  • Anbieter-Objektnummer

Preise & Kosten

  • Courtage
    Keine besondere Angabe.


  • Energieeffizienzklasse

Standort & Lage

2750 Lisboa, Cascais, Cascais e Estoril · PRT

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Properstar SA

Rue Mercerie 12
1003 Lausanne
Tel.: +49 800 0010536
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