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Italy Sotheby's International Realty

Italy Sotheby's International Realty
  • Mehr erfahren 30269125

This historic villa in the Florentine countryside, just 7 km from all services and 20 minutes from Florence, was built around a medieval tower almost certainly built for defensive purposes, given its dominant position over the valley; the rest of the stru

  • Haus
  • · 5 Zimmer
  • · 790 m² Wohnfläche
  • · 1.980.000 € Kaufpreis
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This historic villa in the Florentine countryside, just 7 km from all services and 20 minutes from Florence, was built around a medieval tower almost certainly built for defensive purposes, given its dominant position over the valley; the rest of the ...mehr lesen
This historic villa in the Florentine countryside, just 7 km from all services and 20 minutes from Florence, was built around a medieval tower almost certainly built for defensive purposes, given its dominant position over the valley; the rest of the structure with the facade overlooking the stone-paved farmyard and the ashlar work around the entrance door and the windows, instead suggest a late Renaissance imprint; the property is obviously present in the historical Leopoldino land register and was renovated between 2014 and 2018; today it is a villa in energy class A2.
The restoration has completely preserved the soul of the property and guarantees an atmosphere where time seems to have stopped. What was able to be maintained was treated and preserved with great respect and attention, such as the stone flooring, the chestnut wood windows, some doors, the tower, the cellar, the beams, the small brick vaults, the walls of stone and the large fireplace; all enriched by an artistic touch, in the furnishings and in the definition of the spaces which makes the property truly unique.

Comfort and large spaces are the essence of the property which is spread over three levels: in the basement we find the storage rooms and cellars which are completely independent, with access to the delightful loggia with a view; on the ground floor we find the living room, the dining room, as well as a study and a large kitchen divided into two areas: the kitchenette and the dining area in front of the historic fireplace; throughout the kitchen we find handmade terracotta floors; also on the ground floor there are 3 bedrooms with three en-suite bathrooms. From the kitchen you then go up the tower, where we find a large hallway, a bedroom with bathroom and private access to the loggia from which you can enjoy a breathtaking view and admire the delightful Italian garden. In the basement with external access there is another bedrooms with bathroom and a living space with kitchenette.
The systems are all up to standard and the underfloor heating is wood-fired throughout the entire property; there are solar panels for hot water and therefore maintenance costs are very low.

In addition to the Italian garden and the threshing floor, the pool at the entrance is also registered in the Leopold land register, so it certainly dates back to before the 19th century; today the tub houses the statue of one of the symbolic animals of the Tuscan hills: the little pig.

The view enjoyed from the villa extends over the entire Arno valley, from Reggello, Pelago up to Vallombrosa. The villa is located within a plot of approximately 5 hectares of 6000 m2 currently left partly in the woods and partly uncultivated, with some fruit trees such as cherry and apple trees. There are two springs on the property.

A villa of great charm and turnkey, ready to live in, perfect for income, convenient for enjoying the tranquility of the Tuscan hills on the border with Chianti, but at the same time just 20 minutes from the city and 5 minutes from all services


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  • Zimmer (gesamt)
  • Anzahl Schlafzimmer
  • Anzahl Badezimmer
  • Wohnfläche (ca.)
    790 m²
  • Anbieter-Objektnummer

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    Keine besondere Angabe.

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Figline Valdarno · Firenze · IT

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